Here’s What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are, Based On Your Birth Order



Girls who are the oldest in their family are the girlfriends who just want to take care of you. Their maternal instinct can never be tamed so they always want to make sure you’re in a good spot, have enough to eat, and don’t need help with anything…pretty much anything that could fall under the caretaker role. They are the classic, “text me when you get home!” girlfriend — the one is who always going to put you ahead of herself.

Oldest children do have a reputation for being controlling, and so the girl who is the oldest sibling is probably going to be on the more type A end of the spectrum. Think of it as less bossy, and more particular. Will there be arguments because the laundry wasn’t put away correctly? Maybe. But the benefit to being an oldest child is she’s learned how to negotiate. So arguments very quickly become “dialogues” or “discussions” and rarely spin out of control and become an actual fight.


Middle children have grown up with people on either side of them who were also vying for attention, so dating a middle child means she’s going to want a lot of reassurance. She has a tendency to lean a little towards the jealousy side — not because she’s paranoid or thinks her S.O. is doing anything that would WARRANT jealousy. Her jealousy mostly stems from wanting to be the center of attention (for a change) and be someone’s number one.

Because of her inclination to attention seek, the middle child girlfriend is absolutely a people pleaser. She always wants to make her partner happy — to make sure what’s being said about her is really positive and affirms her place as their favorite. She wants to be the person who randomly comes to mind and makes whoever is thinking of her smile. That is a best-case scenario for a middle child.


Babies are the family favorite, and they’re used to being treated as such. Often they’re kind of spoiled and used to being…well…babied. A girl who is the youngest in her family is probably going to be a pretty high-maintenance girlfriend. Youngest children have grown accustomed to a certain level of cushiness to their lifestyle and it’s not one that they’ll very easily give up. They’re the girlfriends who will ask you take out the trash because their nails are wet, or change the channel because they don’t want to get up.

But you’ll never have as much fun with a girlfriend as you will with a youngest child. That youthful energy never quite leaves them and they’ll always be down for something fun and adventurous. A girlfriend who’s the youngest will bring out your inner child like no one else can.


You know that saying, “I’m with my best friend,” that people say about their significant other? That will realistically never apply with a twin. Twins are best friends and have a bond that cannot be replicated or even understood by someone who is NOT a twin. So a girl who is a twin has to find a relationship that’s different with her partner, but equally as special. Sometimes she will unintentionally make her S.O. feel like they’re in the shadow of something they have no way of competing with. So it’s definitely a challenge she has to master to not end up being a girlfriend who doesn’t give enough love and attention to her partner.

But a girlfriend who is a twin is not just a challenge because she comes with a built in, never going anywhere bestie. She’s incredibly competitive, due to having to essentially compete with herself literally since birth. This makes her headstrong, stubborn, and a girl who never gives up. She’s a girlfriend who you’ll constantly have to chase and keep up with, or else you’ll get left behind.


Only children are kind of weird little anomalies. They grow up more quickly than their peers, but also need a lot more alone time than most. It takes an only child a while before they find someone they really want to settle down with, because they do tend to be a little flaky while simultaneously setting really high standards for themselves.

But once a girl who is an only child commits to you, she’s FULLY committed. She will be the most attentive, invested girlfriend you’ve ever had. Only children are often a little OCD and get hyper-excited/obsessed with things, and this will absolutely translate into how much they show that they care about their significant other. Every now and then she’ll need alone time to recharge and be herself, but her ‘person’ is absolutely on her mind no matter where she is.

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