23 Things Men Find Unattractive in A Woman


It’s no secret that men have their own set of standards regarding what they find attractive in a woman. While each man may have his specific list, some things seem familiar among them.

But why? What is it about these things that turn men off? Every man is different, so what may be unattractive to one man may not be unattractive to another.

While many women may be doing everything in their power to attract men, some of those behaviors and actions can have a negative effect. But a few things seem to be pretty universal when it comes to things that men find unattractive in women.

Most women aren’t even aware that they’re acting in a way that can drive men away when all they are trying to do is attract them. To attract men and take control of this situation, there are some things women should avoid doing.

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This article will look at the top 23 things that men find unattractive in women. We will also explore why they see these unattractive things and offer some tips on avoiding them.

So let’s take a look at some of them; what are the things men find unattractive in a woman? Keep on reading to find out!

The Things That Men Find Unattractive in A Woman

1. Nagging

nagging - things that men find unattractive in a woman

What is the most unattractive quality in a woman? If you ask a group of men, you're likely to get a variety of answers. But there is one quality that stands out above the rest: nagging.

Nagging is the constant stream of complaints, criticisms, and demands that a woman makes of her partner. It's the never-ending stream of "honey-do" lists and the constant reminders to do this or that.

This constant negativity can quickly turn even the most attractive woman into someone unpleasant to be around. If you find yourself with habits of nagging, it may be time to be more positive.

2. Dramatic Nails

dramatic nails

Dramatic nails are also one of those things that make you unattractive to men. While dramatic nails are trendy in the media, men aren’t big fans of this new trend, to put it mildly.

Having such nails seems high maintenance and can be a turn-off for many men, so settle for the primary neutral color that looks girly and doesn’t go overboard.

3. Dry Skin

dry skin

In today's society, many women are focused on achieving the "perfect" appearance in front of a men's eyes. Unfortunately, this often leads to neglecting the basic needs of skin care. One of the most common skincare problems women face is dry skin.

Dry skin can be caused by several factors, including weather, diet, and hygiene habits. Although there are several ways to combat dry skin, many women still struggle with this problem.

Men consider women delicate and soft. However, the moment a man touches a scaly skin of a woman, that image is shattered to bits.

It doesn’t require much effort or money to regularly use a lotion to keep your skin hydrated and smooth. But don’t forget to use it.

Take the time to watch this free presentation, it might treat your skin.

4. Excessive Makeup

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This is one of the unattractive things women do that chase men away. Most men despise a “cake face,” a type of look that they find highly excessive.

It’s recommended to keep the makeup looking as natural and straightforward as possible.

Remember, you shouldn’t be using makeup to mask your face. It would be best if you were using it to highlight your natural beauty.

5. Immodesty

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In our society, there is overwhelming pressure for women to meet certain standards of beauty. Women are constantly bombarded with messages that they must be thin, have perfect skin, and be well-dressed to be considered attractive.

Therefore, a woman who reveals a large amount of skin can be seen as an attention seeker.

The way a woman dresses should show class and respect, which will let the men in her life want to get to know her as an individual rather than the person hiding under the clothes.

This pressure can lead some women to go to extremes to meet these standards. Unfortunately, this can often backfire and result in the woman looking unattractive.

6. Bad Posture

bad posture

Bad posture is often seen as an unattractive quality in a woman. Many people believe that good posture is a sign of confidence and power, while poor posture is a sign of insecurity and weakness.

There are a few exceptions to this rule, but generally speaking, bad posture is not attractive. But there are also a few things that can help improve your posture, such as stretching, doing yoga, or going to a chiropractor, and doing so can make you look and feel more confident.

7. Excessive Perfume

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There is nothing worse than a woman who douses herself in perfume. It is incredibly unattractive and it shows a complete lack of self-awareness. It's one thing to wear a pleasant-smelling fragrance, but it's another thing entirely to bathe in it.

Too much perfume is overwhelming and it can be quite off-putting. If you want to be attractive, ditch the heavy perfume and go for something more subtle.

The best thing you can do is to put the drop only in specific points like your neck, wrists, and behind your ears. A little bit of a lovely perfume is sufficient enough.

8. Profanity

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It is generally considered unattractive when a woman uses profanity. This is because it is seen as a sign of low intelligence and a lack of self-control.

Additionally, it can be seen as a sign of disrespect. Women who use profanity may be perceived as being more aggressive and less feminine. Ultimately, using profanity is likely to make a woman less attractive to others.

Avoid using vulgar language. Harsh and crass language is something men genuinely dislike. The gentleman wants to be with the lady, and the ladies don’t curse.

9. Extreme Hairstyles

Extreme hairstyles

Women with hair full of volumizing products and bobby pins can attract attention but not the way you want. In other words, it will only be a harmful kind of attention.

The majority of men prefer silky, soft, and long hair instead of a hard gel and sticky hairspray.

10. Poor Hygiene

poor hygiene

Women who disregard their personal hygiene entirely seem highly unattractive to men. It would be best to clean out your ears, take showers, and put on deodorant.

Don’t forget to shave as well. You don’t have to shave 24/7, but shaving when needed and putting in the effort certainly shows.

11. Chapped Lips

chapped lips

This is another turn-off for men.

There is nothing worse than seeing a woman with chapped lips. It's unattractive for many men and it can make a woman look much older than she is.

Chapped lips are often the result of dehydration, so it's important to drink plenty of water throughout the day. You can also prevent chapped lips by using a lip balm that contains SPF.

So invest in lip balm or lip moisturizer, and you won’t regret it.

12. Tanning


Most men won’t find tanned skin attractive unless it is a natural glow. When he sees a woman whose skin color doesn’t look natural, he’ll steer away from her.

13. Being A Gossip

This is one of the most negative traits that can make you highly unattractive to men. Sharing all the latest scandals, stories, and rumors involving the lives of your family, friends, and coworkers may seem fun to a woman, but men rarely find it amusing.

It may surprise you to find out that this behavior is actually a significant turn-off for men. While you may have good intentions for doing this, like trying to get close to him and open the communication lines with him, being a gossip can make you come across as someone who has low self-esteem.

In fact, many people with low confidence or poor self-image tend to rely on gossip as a way to gain confidence and make themselves feel better about themselves and their own lives.

That’s why these women choose to talk about all the latest scandalous behaviors and failures of others to boost their self-esteem.

However, when you want to attract a man, you should remember that men are drawn to confident ladies, value themselves, and do not put others down just to lift themselves.

So if you don’t want to seem unattractive to him, avoid gossiping about other people.

14. Phony

You may not realize this, but men are able to tell when you’re stretching the truth. Remember, being direct and honest is the best option in this situation.

15. Unintelligence

Men like it when they feel challenged, so you should avoid playing dumb. If you want to make him like you, try having educated, intelligent and pleasant conversations with him.

16. Bad Manners

bad manners

Having good manners is a must, especially when you want a man to see that you are able to carry yourself with dignity.

All you need to remember is a couple of simple yet graceful ways of presenting yourself as the woman, making the man feel like he’s dating royalty.

17. Acne

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This can seem a bit inevitable, mainly when it is that specific time of the month. However, a moisturizer, a cleanser, and an exfoliator are all you need to keep your skin feeling refreshed and clean.

18. Vanity

Women who like to stop and look at themselves in every mirror they walk by are very unattractive to men. A man doesn’t want a vain woman obsessed with her looks.

Instead, he prefers a woman who knows how to have a good time.

19. Thick Brows

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Don’t forget to keep all facial hair trimmed, including the eyebrows. Remember, the best way to look naturally beautiful is to keep everything in place.

20. Damaged Strands

damaged strands

Luscious and soft hair can easily catch a man’s eye. So when you are trying to impress or attract a man, don’t forget to take care of your hair as well.

21. Bad Breath And Yellow Teeth

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Bad breath and yellow teeth aren’t attractive to anyone, but they are especially unattractive to men. If you have this problem, the source of it is most likely poor hygiene.

Or maybe you should consider cutting back on black tea, coffee, or red wine.

If you smoke, quitting it can be a good idea as well. Whatever the issue is, make sure to address the source of it.

Also, use dental floss and whitening toothpaste to brighten your smile. Sugar-free breath sprays and lozenges can help as well.

22. Dark Lips

dark lips

Lipstick can be an excellent tool for making your lips more defined and attractive. But beware, if you misuse it, it can actually have the opposite effect.

When you go out for dinner, choose a lipstick that is close to your natural lip color.

Avoid wearing dark lipstick colours as they tend to smudge onto the teeth while you’re eating or talking.

Also, remember that a combination of dark lip liner and lighter lipstick can leave an aged appearance, so avoid using this combination.

23. Having No Life

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Even if you are in a mutually supportive and happy relationship, sometimes you may need a bit of alone time, which can be especially true for introverted types.

As the general rule, men need some space to breathe every now and then. Wanting time apart isn’t necessarily the reflection of how the man feels about you.

While a man loves feeling wanted, having an excessively needy partner can be exhausting for him.

The man will most likely find it very unattractive when a woman demands that he needs to be by her side 24/7 and cannot find any way to occupy herself when he’s not around.

Remember, being able to rely on one another should be one of your relationship goals, but not to the point of becoming too needy.


As you can see, men find many things unattractive in women. While men may find different things attractive in a woman, there are a few things that all men seem to find unattractive.

These include being too needy or dependent, having low self-esteem, controlling or manipulative, and being aggressive or argumentative. If you’re worried that your man finds you unattractive in one or more of these ways, don’t be!

In the end, it is essential to remember that each individual has their tastes and preferences.

PS: If your relationship is not the most significant source of happiness and joy in your life. Suppose you’re not getting the love, devotion, and adoration you deserve. Or if the men in your life seem to lose interest, leaving you confused and hurt.

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