Love Horoscope For May 2023. Leos And Pisces Have Very Difficult Moments


Summer is approaching, and the last month of spring brings surprises, and good news, but also difficulties for all zodiac signs.

The love horoscope for May announces both wonderful moments in relationships for some natives, but also tearful breakups for other signs. Consult the forecasts to see what awaits you in the fifth month of the year, from a sentimental point of view.


The sun rises on your street, as far as love is concerned. If you had certain conflicts in your relationship or did not get along with your partner, now things seem to resolve themselves. A state of peace and harmony will surround you throughout May. You may also receive good news related to a trip or a plan you had with your loved one.

If you are alone, the chances of meeting more men increase. It will be quite difficult for you to decide if one of them has stolen your heart.


The sun is still in your sign and that means you are at an advantage, in general. Love is at its highest and you can spend wonderful moments in the company of your loved one. You will be more romantic than usual, feeling the need to express your feelings through all kinds of gestures. You manage to communicate easily. There is also good news for you, especially from the second half of the month, because on May 16, 2023, Jupiter arrives in your sign.

Jupiter is the planet of luck and will bring new breaths to all areas of your life. You are enjoying an extraordinary period.


The first part of May is quite quiet. You enjoy the comfort of your home and, if you are alone, there are high chances of falling in love and starting a new love story. But, towards the end of the month, when the Sun reaches your zodiac sign, things seem to catch fire. Everything becomes more passionate, you live at high intensity, and you have energy and courage. There can also be a flip side of the coin and you can feel intense jealousy or frustration.

Try to keep balance in your life in May and everything will be fine.


You are one of the lucky signs in May 2023. For you, things are going wonderfully, especially in family life. If you are married and have children, you will receive very good news from this area. Certain successes or achievements will make you very happy. If not, you might have affection and confirmation from your parents or close relatives. Important bonds are formed during this period, including during the summer, so keep your heart open.

If you are single and want to start a relationship, keep an eye out because your knight on a white horse might be closer to you than you think.


It will be quite a difficult month for you because conflicts arise in your relationships. Both in terms of friendships or your relationship with your family, as well as in that of a couple, there will be certain dissatisfactions that will break your heart. It will be difficult for you to manage these feelings, especially toward the end of the month. On May 20, 2023, Mars arrives in Leo, and this means that you will be more irritable and get angry more easily. It would be good to solve any problem you have in your love relationship until this date. Otherwise, it is possible to say things that you will regret later.

The month of May 2023 is not favorable for a new love, so if you receive advances from men and go on dates, think twice before taking the next step.


With Venus in Cancer from May 7, your relationships become extraordinarily good. The planet of love and passion has a strong impact on your sign during this period. You get along well with everyone and nothing can upset you. Especially in the couple relationship, you feel like you are floating. If you encounter a problem, you solve it immediately. You are inspired, prefer to spend moments together, and enjoy the romantic atmosphere in your life.

If you are alone, you have a special charisma that attracts those around you. Surround yourself with people and take in their energy. It is even possible to connect a beautiful love story.


You feel attracted to someone you shouldn’t and, as exciting as it sounds, this moral dilemma consumes you a lot. It will be a difficult month from a love point of view, especially if you are alone. Complications and new people appear in your life. You can also expect arguments or conflicts.

Even if you suffer, you will discover that certain things happen for your good.


A new organization appears in your life. Either a professional change of yours or your lovers will upset your schedule, or you decide to break the routine with certain activities, your schedule will certainly be different. In principle, this new breath will also come with the desire to discover other sides of your partner. You get to know each other better and learn things about each other. However, if you have been together for a short time, your relationship will be put to the test.

If you are alone, there is always a change in your life. It could be about a new love.


Your feelings will go from agony to ecstasy and it will be quite difficult for you to collect yourself. Your partner does something that hurts you and it is quite difficult to overcome this moment. It is possible that you, in turn, will bring up painful topics. The good news is that the things resolved now will be of great help to your relationship in the future.

If you are alone, there are high chances that you will enter into an adventure. Be very careful not to get hurt.


A person you haven’t met for a long time returns to your life. It can even be about an ex-boyfriend who is trying to win you back. If you are single, you might want to give it a chance, because Jupiter may be teaching you a lesson through this finding. If you are already in a relationship, complications could arise.

Before making any decision, think carefully about your real desires.


Time will be your enemy in May 2023. You want to do many things and prove what you are capable of, especially professionally. This will affect your relationship as a couple because you fail to dedicate yourself to your partner. Fatigue and frustrations will have their say. You will need to make a choice.

If you are not in a relationship, conflicts may arise in the area of ​​friendship. Try not to hurt your loved ones. There are few chances of falling in love in the next period.


May is not a very good month for you. Many signs will feel more emotional because of some astrological conjunctions. For example, Venus in Cancer, from May 7, 2023, will increase your sensitivity to a level where you will no longer understand exactly why you have certain feelings. It is possible that whatever your partner does upsets you. You might feel misunderstood. Discussions occur and, if you don’t handle them delicately, they can lead to breakups.

If you are alone, May is not a favorable month to meet someone new, but it is possible to reconcile with someone from your past

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