Why don’t we forget our first love? We present 5 reasons.


First love… unforgettable, sometimes idealized or impulsive. Each of us has different memories. Often tumultuous, usually ends quickly, although there are known cases of first love for life.

Thinking of first love we feel a mixture of feelings, often difficult to explain. The statistics? According to research, half of first love relationships have broken up, but more than one in four have survived to this day. Here are the reasons why our first loves are unforgettable.

first love is innocent
Mostly our first love at a young age is innocent, free of manipulation and games. It develops slowly, in its own time, nothing is rushed by anyone. After our first love we are more experienced, we know what we need and want from our partner, and what we can give him.

first love happens only once
Probably each of us remembers our first relationships, nevertheless, subsequent relationships flee into oblivion with time. The very fact that we have gained our first experience in the relationship field makes the first acquaintance extremely special. Regardless of subsequent acquaintances, even if we have found the right person for life, the first love will always be the first and nothing will change that.

first love brings with it other firsts
First acquaintance teaches us everything. From the first kiss to sharing life with another person for the first time. Even if we weren’t experienced at the time, didn’t know how, we nevertheless look back on those times with a certain tenderness. In addition, first love is a huge step in personal development.

heart broken for the first time hurts the most.
First disappointment, first rejection or first arguments. If all this led to the first breakup it was certainly felt intensely by us. Having experienced tremendous pain after our first relationship, we didn’t even know that a breakup could be so hard. We are, in a way, hardened after that, so that we can bear other setbacks a little more lightly.

first love is a memory of youth
Especially when we are no longer 18, we like to reminisce about old times. Our thoughts refer not only to our first love, but also to that moment in our lives. We recall our needs, priorities and expectations. Our life that we recall now may seem to us easier, more pleasant, free from some of the problems of today.

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