350 Best Favorite Things Questions For Kids & Adults (2023)


What are favorite things questions?

When it comes to getting to know someone better, favorite things questions are a lighthearted way to cover a variety of topics.

Whether you are looking to connect with someone new or deepen existing relationships, use this list as a fun tool.

Ask these questions to:

  • kids and family members
  • friends and new acquaintances
  • significant others
  • teachers and students
  • colleagues

How To Use A Favorite Things Questions List

Here are a few ways to use these favorite things questions.

  • As an Icebreaker: Use this list to start a conversation with someone new.
  • To get to know someone: Build a deeper connection.
  • As a conversation starter: Use the list with new or old friends to start an interesting conversation.
  • To have fun and connect: These questions are low-pressure.

Get started on our list of 350 Favorite Things Questions now!

Favorite Things Questions For Kids & Students

boy smiling with hands on mouth

Kids are definitely not shy when it comes to sharing their favorite things. Use these questions to connect and learn more about them.

Don’t forget to share your answers with your kids as well!

1. What is your favorite color?

2. What is your favorite snack?

3. What is your favorite thing to do at home?

4. What is your favorite toy?

5. What is your favorite board or card game to play?

6. What is your favorite thing about your room?

7. What is your favorite thing about your mom?

8. What is your favorite thing about your dad?

9. What is your favorite outdoor activity?

10. What is your favorite TV show?

11. What is your favorite event you have gone to with your family?

12. What is your favorite thing about your sibling(s)?

13. What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?

14. What is your favorite subject at school?

15. What is your favorite thing about school?

16. What is your favorite school lunch?

17. What is your favorite thing to play at recess?

18. Who is your favorite friend to play with?

19. Who is your favorite teacher?

20. What is your favorite type of weather?

21. What is your favorite book?

22. What is your favorite thing to do with friends?

23. What is your favorite thing we have done together as a family?

24. What is your favorite thing about yourself?

25. Where is your favorite place to relax?

26. What is your favorite item of clothing?

27. What is your favorite thing you have done today?

28. What is your favorite website?

29. What is your favorite app?

30. What is your favorite facial expression?

31. What is your favorite silly word?

32. What is your favorite place to go shopping?

33. Who is your favorite superhero?

34. What is your favorite video game?

35. What is the favorite Christmas gift you have ever received?

36. What is your favorite birthday party you have had?

37. What is your favorite family vacation you have taken?

38. Who is your favorite relative?

39. What is your favorite thing to do on a Sunday?

40. What is your favorite way to spend your free time?

41. What is your favorite memory from school?

42. What has been your favorite year in school?

43. What is your favorite cartoon?

44. What is your favorite quiet activity?

45. What is your favorite way to have fun?

Fun Favorite Things Questions About Food

We all love to talk about food and everyone has their favorite things in this category. Prepare to need a snack after answering the questions in this mouth-watering section!

46. What is your favorite type of food?

47. What is your one favorite food?

48. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?

49. What is your favorite fast food restaurant?

50. Where is your favorite place to get takeout?

51. What is your favorite breakfast meal?

52. What is your favorite cold drink?

53. What is your favorite hot drink?

54. What is your favorite way to drink coffee?

55. What is your favorite type of juice?

56. What is your favorite food to eat for lunch?

57. What is your favorite type of sandwich?

58. What is your favorite crunchy food?

59. What is your favorite salty food?

60. What is your favorite sweet food?

61. What is your favorite way to eat eggs?

62. What is your favorite snack on the go?

63. What is your favorite dessert?

64. What is your favorite meal at home?

65. Who is your favorite cook in your family?

66. What is your favorite food or meal to make for others?

67. What is your favorite pizza topping?

68. What is your favorite food from childhood?

69. What is your favorite dipping sauce?

70. What is your favorite ice cream?

71. What is your favorite fruit?

72. What is your favorite vegetable?

73. What is your favorite kind of meat?

74. What is your favorite junk food?

75. What is your favorite meal of the day?

76. What is your favorite appetizer?

77. What is your favorite type of cheese?

78. What is your favorite soda?

79. What is your favorite food to get from a concession stand?

80. What is your favorite thing to eat in the summer?

81. What is your favorite thing to eat in the winter?

82. What is your favorite candy?

83. What is your favorite cookie?

84. If you are feeling down, what is your favorite thing to eat?

85. What is your favorite alcoholic drink?

86. What is your favorite Starbucks drink?

87. What is your favorite type of birthday cake?

88. What is your favorite type of pie?

89. What is your favorite movie theatre snack?

90. What is your favorite flavor of potato chip?

91. What is your favorite candy bar?

92. What is your favorite cereal?

List of Favorite Things Questions For Gifts

Next are additional favorite things questions you can ask to find the perfect gift for family, friends, teachers, or colleagues.

person holding out a gift with a red bow

93. What is your favorite hobby?

94. What is your favorite thing to do when you find yourself with extra time?

95. What would be your favorite thing to buy for yourself?

96. What is your favorite thing to learn about?

97. What is your favorite thing to do with loved ones?

98. What is your favorite way to relax?

99. What is your favorite indulgence?

100. What is your favorite charity or cause?

101. What is the favorite item you use every day?

102. What is your favorite item to have while working?

Favorite Things Questions For Couples

Connect and strengthen your bond with your partner using this section of favorite things questions for couples.

103. What is your favorite date spot?

104. What is your favorite first date memory?

105. What is your favorite funny memory since you started dating?

106. What is your favorite trip you have taken together?

107. What is your favorite funny travel memory of you together?

108. What is your favorite thing about your significant other?

109. What is your favorite thing to do with one another?

110. What is your favorite thing to argue or debate about?

111. What is your favorite movie to watch together?

112. What is your favorite meal to cook for your partner?

113. What is your favorite way to show love for your significant other?

114. What is your favorite way to receive love?

115. What is your favorite tradition you have started together?

116. Where is your favorite place to spend time together?

117. What is your favorite way to flirt?

118. What is your favorite way to be intimate?

119. What is your favorite thing you have done on your bucket list as a couple?

120. What is your favorite game to play together?

121. What is your favorite thing to do together on a rainy day?

122. What is your favorite place to be massaged by your significant other?

123. What is your favorite way to splurge on your partner?

124. What is your favorite romantic memory?

125. What is your favorite thing to do on an anniversary?

Favorite Things About Traveling

Next stop: Favorite things questions about travel, vacation, and adventure.

126. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?

127. What is your favorite country you have traveled to?

128. What is your favorite type of vacation?

129. What is your favorite town you have traveled to?

130. Where is your favorite beach?

131. Where is your favorite place to ski?

132. What is your favorite thing to do on vacation?

133. Who are your favorite people to travel or adventure with?

134. What was your favorite thing you did on vacation in the past year?

135. What is your favorite way to travel?

136. What is your favorite souvenir?

137. What is your favorite food to carry while you travel?

138. Where is your favorite place to stay while on vacation?

139. What is your favorite travel tip?

140. What is your favorite adventure you have had while traveling?

141. What is the funniest and best memory you have had while traveling?

142. What is your favorite USA destination?

143. What is your favorite weekend getaway or trip close to home?

144. What is your favorite view (from an adventure) you have seen?

145. What is your favorite place for Christmas vacation?

146. What is your favorite place for spring break?

147. What is your favorite length of vacation?

148. What is the best sightseeing you have ever done on a trip?

149. What has been your favorite unplanned adventure or something you discovered on a trip?

150. What is your favorite childhood memory of traveling?

151. What is your favorite picture from a travel or adventure?

152. What is your favorite food eaten on a trip?

153. What is your favorite memory on a plane?

154. What is your favorite memory on a boat?

155. What is your favorite game to play in a car?

156. What is your favorite national park?

157. What is your favorite hiking trail?

Favorite Things Questions about Entertainment

Next, this section includes questions about books, movies, and music.

158. What is your favorite movie genre?

159. What is your favorite classic movie?

160. What is your favorite scary movie?

161. What is your favorite romance movie?

162. What is your favorite adventure movie?

163. What is your favorite childhood movie?

164. Who is your favorite male actor?

165. Who is your favorite actress?

166. What is your favorite Disney movie?

167. What is your favorite movie of all time?

168. What is your favorite marvel character?

Fun Favorite Things Questions About Books

169. What is your favorite movie based on a book?

170. What is your favorite book genre?

171. What is your all-time favorite book?

172. What is your favorite childhood book?

173. Who is your favorite author?

174. What is your favorite series?

175. Who is your favorite book character?

176. What is your favorite magazine?

177. What is your favorite comic?

178. What is your favorite book you had to read in school?

179. What is your favorite fiction book?

180. What is your favorite non-fiction book?

Great List of Things About Television

181. What is your favorite series you have binge-watched?

182. What is your favorite thing to watch on TV right now?

183. What is your favorite reality show to watch?

184. What is your favorite streaming service?

185. What is your favorite TV show from your childhood?

186. What is your favorite show to watch alone?

187. What is your favorite show to watch with others?

188. Who is your favorite TV character?

189. What is your favorite comedy?

190. What is a show you thought you would hate until you watched it? And now it’s your favorite!

191. What is your favorite show when you are feeling down?

Favorite Things Questions About Music

192. What is your favorite type of music?

193. Who is your favorite music artist?

194. What is your favorite song?

195. Who is your favorite band?

196. When is your best time to listen to music?

197. What is your favorite music to relax?

198. What is your favorite music to listen to when you are happy?

199. What is your favorite concert you have attended?

200. Where is your favorite place to see live music?

201. What is your favorite music to listen to in the car?

202. What is your favorite music video of all time?

203. What is your favorite song or album from when you were in high school?

204. What is your favorite childhood song?

205. What favorite musician of yours would you like to meet?

206. Who is your favorite female singer/performer of all time?

207. Who is your favorite male singer/performer of all time?

208. What is your favorite song for karaoke?

209. What movie has your favorite soundtrack?

210. What is your favorite song from the 80s?

211. What is your favorite song from the 90s?

212. What is your favorite song from the 2000s?

213. What is your favorite song that is popular right now?

214. What is your overall favorite form of entertainment between movies, books, tv, or music?

215. What is your favorite song to play in the car?

216. Who is your favorite classical composer?

217. What is your favorite instrument to listen to?

218. What is your favorite instrument to play?

Fun Favorite Questions About People

219. What has been your favorite family bucket list item?

220. Who is your favorite extended family member?

221. Who was your favorite crush?

222. Who is your favorite celebrity?

223. Who is your favorite historical figure?

224. Who is your favorite inspirational figure?

225. Who is your favorite influencer?

226. Who is your favorite person to just hang out with?

227. Who is your favorite person in the whole world?

228. Who is your favorite friend from high school?

229. Who is your favorite friend from college?

230. Who is your favorite neighbor?

Fun Sports Favorites

231. What is your favorite sport to watch?

232. What is your favorite sports team?

233. Who is your favorite professional athlete?

234. What is your favorite sports clothing brand?

235. Who is your favorite NBA player?

236. Who is your favorite NFL player?

237. What is your favorite sporting moment of all time?

238. Who is your favorite sports commentator?

239. What is your favorite sports chant?

240. What are your favorite team’s colors?

241. What is your favorite Olympic sport?

242. What is your favorite water sport?

243. What is your favorite winter sport?

244. What is your favorite sport to play?

Favorite Things Questions About Nature & Animals

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens….These are a few of my favorite things!

245. What is your favorite season?

246. What is your favorite perfect weather day?

247. What is your favorite thing to do in the rain?

248. What is your favorite thing to do in the snow?

249. What is your favorite type of flower?

250. What is your favorite outdoor scent?

251. What is your favorite thing to do outdoors in the summer?

252. What is your favorite thing to do outdoors in the fall?

253. What is your favorite thing to do outdoors in the winter?

254. What is your favorite thing to do outdoors in the spring?

255. Where is your favorite place in nature?

256. What is your favorite thing to do in nature?

257. Where’s your favorite place to be in a storm?

258. What is your favorite bird?

259. What is your favorite wild animal?

260. What is your favorite underwater animal?

261. What is your favorite farm animal?

262. What is your favorite extinct animal?

263. What is your favorite insect?

264. What is your favorite pet you have ever had?

265. What is your favorite thing to do with your pets?

266. What is your favorite type of pet you would like to own one day?

267. What is your best memory of a lost pet?

List of Favorite Holiday Questions

We all love holidays! What is your favorite?

268. What is your favorite holiday?

269. What is your favorite way to spend this holiday?

270. What is your favorite holiday dessert?

271. What is your favorite way to spend Thanksgiving?

272. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?

273. What is your favorite way to spend Christmas Eve?

274. What is your favorite way to spend Christmas morning?

275. What is your favorite Christmas tradition?

276. What is your favorite Christmas ornament?

277. What is your favorite gift you have given on Christmas?

278. What is your favorite Christmas song?

279. What is your favorite way to spend New Years Eve?

280. What is your favorite way to spend New Year’s Day?

281. What was your favorite New Year’s Eve that you can remember?

282. What is your favorite way to spend Valentine’s Day?

283. What is your favorite springtime holiday?

284. What is your favorite Easter tradition?

285. What is your favorite candy to find in your Easter basket?

286. What is the favorite thing you have ever received inside an Easter egg?

287. What is your favorite 4th of July tradition?

288. What is your favorite Halloween costume of all time?

289. What is your favorite Halloween candy?

290. What is your favorite way to have fun on Halloween?

291. What is your favorite Halloween movie?

292. What is your favorite way to spend your birthday?

293. What is your favorite way to spend Mother’s Day?

294. What is your favorite way to spend Father’s Day?

295. What is your favorite way to celebrate holidays with others?

Favorite Things Questions About Memories

Think back to your childhood and reminisce about your favorite memories with these questions.

296. What was your favorite thing about your childhood home?

297. What is your best memory from your childhood bedroom?

298. Who was your best childhood friend?

299. What was your favorite childhood pet?

300. Who was your favorite teacher?

301. What was your favorite childhood toy?

302. What is your favorite elementary school memory?

303. What is your favorite high school memory?

304. What is your favorite college memory?

305. What is your favorite memory of your grandparents?

306. What is your favorite birthday memory?

307. What is your favorite holiday memory?

308. What was your favorite family vacation you went on as a child?

309. What was your favorite thing to do after school?

310. What was your favorite subject in school?

311. What was your favorite activity?

312. What was your favorite accomplishment?

313. Who was your favorite family member to spend time with?

314. What is your best memory of being with your friends?

315. What is your favorite memory of your first love?

Career and Work Favorite Things Questions

woman sitting at office desk smiling; questions to ask colleagues and employees

316. What is your favorite job you have had so far?

317. What was your favorite thing about that job?

318. Who was your favorite boss?

319. Who are your favorite coworkers?

320. What is your favorite story about work?

321. What is your favorite personal goal you have achieved?

322. What is your favorite career perk?

Random Questions To Ask

Lastly, enjoy fun, unique, and random favorite questions.

couple at amusement park riding merry go round; favorite things questions for couples

323. If you have tattoos, which one is your favorite and why?

324. What is your favorite car to drive?

325. What is your favorite work of art?

326. What is your favorite museum?

327. What is your favorite podcast?

328. What is your favorite social media platform?

329. What is your favorite way to exercise?

330. Where is the favorite place you have lived?

331. What is your favorite outfit to wear?

332. What is your favorite way to treat yourself?

333. What is your favorite thing to sleep in?

334. What is your best memory from your wedding?

335. What is your favorite way to tell someone thank you?

336. What is your favorite gift to give someone?

337. What is your favorite thing to do first thing in the morning?

338. What is your favorite time to wake up?

339. What is your favorite time to go to sleep?

340. What is your favorite quote?

341. What’s your favorite quirk about yourself?

342. What was your favorite way you spent your time a decade ago?

343. What is your favorite thing to do at a theme park?

344. What is your favorite brand of toilet paper?

345. What is the favorite thing you’ve done in the last 24 hours?

346. What is your favorite way to be cheered up?

347. What is your favorite crafty thing to do?

348. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?

349. What is the favorite event you are looking forward to in the future?

350. What is your favorite life event so far

To Consider With Favorite Things Questions

The favorite things questions list is a great way to get to know someone better.

I hope you enjoyed sharing your favorite things as well as connecting and getting to know others better.

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