15 Daily habits of highly successful people

 Are you willing to transform your life this year? If so, these 15 daily habits of highly successful people will be a great help!

I have always believed in finding inspiration to achieve goals in others’ personal experiences. This is why I love reading about successful people.

After spending several months studying their life paths and habits, I realized that highly successful people share a lot of habits.

It’s as if they have found the secret to automatic success. Studying successful people’s lives and habits is so inspiring that I genuinely believe they are worth sharing.

If you are ready to find out the daily habits of highly successful people you can start to implement today, keep reading!

Undoubtedly, this post will inspire you to create your dream life and be successful too!

Wake up early

The very first habit successful people have in common is waking up early. Successful people understand that starting the day early allows them to focus on their personal goals before the rest of the world is up.

If you are used to waking up late, you know how it feels to leave home in a rush, without having breakfast, and start the day being cranky.

You have probably already realized that you rarely had a productive day after hitting snooze 5 times and arriving late at work.

Usually, mornings define our mood for the rest of the day. If you want to be productive, the very first step is to wake up early.

This will leave you with plenty of time to work out, write your daily to-do list, meditate and reflect on your goals.

A productive morning routine is one of the secrets of highly successful people. This daily habit will greatly impact your life satisfaction and overall success.

If you are not a morning person, try to go to bed early tonight, set an alarm clock early tomorrow morning, and fall asleep listening to calming music or a sleepcast.

Have “slow” mornings

Another habit we should steal from successful people is slow mornings. This habit is directly linked to waking up early.

To have a slow morning, you need to wake up at least 90 minutes before getting to work.

The idea is to start the day with no rush and no distractions, to spend some time alone, and focus on self-reflection.

In my slow morning, the habits I include are meditation, writing my to-do lists, reading a few pages of a personal growth book, and focusing on affirmations.

A slow morning aims to improve mental clarity and mental strength, start the day focused, practice self-care, and increase productivity during the day.

Starting the day with less stress will help you focus on essential tasks and easily get things done. This is definitely a daily habit of highly successful people you have to try!

Value time

Highly successful people know that time management is the greatest skill one can have.

Our time is limited and precious. Successful people chase productivity at work and in their personal lives as well.

Being productive and working smarter means freeing up time for other things, such as family, friends, personal development, etc.

This is also why highly successful people develop passive income streams. They refuse to rely on trading their time against money and find ways to make money passively.

If you want to be successful, you need to start treating your time like your most precious asset and be mindful of how you spend it.


Meditation is another secret successful people have in common. Meditating will help you reduce stress hormones and anxiety, improve sleep quality, develop a positive attitude, and facilitate focused thinking.

Meditating will help you accept the world as it is and increase your mindfulness. A few minutes of meditation every day will help you stay focused during the day and be a more relaxed person.

You might not know where to start if you have never meditated before. If you want to learn the basics of meditation and understand how it will transform your life, I recommend watching the Headspace Netflix series or downloading the app.

Their sleepcasts are simply amazing to fall asleep and wake up energized!

Prioritize education

If you want to be successful, your education should be one of your priorities. Every successful person I know reads a lot.

Reading is a great way to educate yourself and boost your creativity. It is also proven that reading for 30 minutes per day decreases stress. Successful people read a lot because they see every book as a gateway to knowledge.

Increasing your knowledge will offer you new opportunities. It will also sharpen your vision of the world and help you find your purpose in life.

Education is also key if you plan to launch your own business. No matter your goals, if you want to improve your life, and I am sure you do, you need to work on your education.

Here are the best personal growth books to read to help you in your life transformation journey.

These books gave me the strength I needed to take action and transform my life:

  1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
  2. Atomic Habits by James Clear
  3. The Mountain is you by Brianna Wiest
  4. Quit like a millionaire by Kristy Shen
  5. The 4-hour workweek by Timothy Ferriss
  6. The subtle art of not giving a fck by Mark Manso
  7. You’re a badass at making money by Jen Sincero
  8. Thinking, fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman
  9. The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco
  10. The automatic millionaire by David Bach

Stay active

Working out is another habit successful people have in common. Morning activity is a great way to awaken your body and mind.

If you don’t like to work out, you can start with some light exercises and listen to a podcast simultaneously.

Making exercise a priority will help you improve your physical condition and mental health. Of course, it is also a great way to reduce stress and enhance sleep quality.

If you want to be successful, you need to be healthy and take care of your body and mental health.

Focus on self-improvement

We all have the power to achieve incredible things. The person we become is the result of our experiences and decisions.

A productive habit successful people share is that they focus on self-improvement. Their habits include all sorts of activities that support their personal growth.

These daily habits include reading, journaling, practicing gratitude, and mindfulness.

A simple way to copy this habit is to avoid binge-watching Netflix and read a book instead.

Reading will help you unwind after a hard day at work. If you add this habit to your night routine, it will also help you fall asleep faster.

Take responsibility

Taking responsibility for your life and your condition is truly life-changing. It is an essential part of any life-transformation journey.

It implies admitting that improving your life is your responsibility, and you cannot rely on anyone else to do it. This can be hard because making excuses is part of human nature.

Unfortunately, being a victim will not get you anywhere. You will not have control over everything that will happen in your life, but only you can decide how you react to them. And this makes all the difference between constant failure and success.

Next time you feel upset or don’t feel like getting things done, take a few minutes to look at the bigger picture, figure out why you feel this way, and decide that it is your responsibility to change that.

Taking responsibility will help you move on, focus on the right things and find answers.

Do not rely on anyone else to improve your life. It is your responsibility. And admitting it will be life-changing.

Have multiple incomes

It is no secret that the decisions we make every day on how we use our time, energy, and money impact our ability to have healthy finances and become financially successful.

Highly successful people are always looking for new ways to make money because they know that money represents a form of freedom.

Having enough money in the bank will allow you to quit a job you hate, travel the world, and stop trading your time against money.

Successful people love money, not because of the things they can buy with it but because they know time is valuable and making more money is the only way to use their time freely.

A simple way to copy this habit is to avoid debt, start investing and create multiple income streams.

Sleep enough

Having enough sleep is the number one rule to take care of your physical and mental health. Your body will not be able to keep up with all your projects and goals if you don’t rest enough.

We have already talked about waking up early. As you can imagine, you will have to change your habits and go to bed earlier to get enough sleep while waking up super early.

The average person needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep every night. If you decide to wake up around 5 am, you should aim to fall asleep around 9-10 pm.

It might seem quite early, and falling asleep can be hard if you are used to going to bed much later. That’s where night routines come in handy.

Implementing a night routine will help you unwind and reset before another productive day.

The most successful people have a morning and night routine. If you haven’t created yours yet, the 2 posts below will definitely help you!

Develop organization skills

Successful people chase productivity in their professional and personal life. To be productive, you have to be organized.

It will be tough to have a productive day if you have no plan. It will also be complicated to get things done if you are not working in a clean and organized space.

To be successful, you need to work on your organizational skills. The easiest way to get organized is to write your goals for the day the night before and review your schedule early in the morning.

Being organized will greatly impact your productivity and the amount of work you can get done in one day.

If you need tips on how to improve your time management and organization skills, this post is for you!

Step out of the comfort zone

The concept of a “comfort zone” is defined by Lifehacker as a “behavioral space where your activities and behaviors fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk.”

Most adults never leave their comfort zone, and it makes total sense. Not taking risks makes life easier and reduces stress and anxiety. Your comfort zone is like a comfy space in your head.

It might feel good to live day by day, following the same routines and engaging in the same activities. The issue is that if you just go with the flow and never step out of your comfort zone, you will never grow.

Stress is often perceived negatively, but it can also be productive. When was the last time you were stressed about something, did it anyway, and felt super proud after it?

There is such a thing as good stress. Stepping out of your comfort zone will help you figure out your limits, discover new talents and develop new skills.

Successful people understand that their comfort zone is created by their limiting beliefs and are not afraid to leave it and take risks.

Set goals

This habit actually combines several other habits already mentioned in this list. Setting goals is key to focusing on your personal growth and getting things done.

Successful people are not afraid to set big goals, and they do it regularly. This is another way to focus your energy and time on what really matters.

Successful people are mindful of their resources and use them to achieve their goals.

Setting goals will give your life a clear direction. It will also help you ensure you create a life you love.

If you need help setting your goals and implementing habits and routines, my free eBook will help you.

Spend time in nature

Spending time outside is a form of self-care. According to McMaster University, spending time in nature decreases stress and increases happiness due to higher endorphins and dopamine levels.

It also decreases cortisol levels which is the hormone responsible for stress.

Being outside has so many benefits. Going for a walk will help you increase your focus.

Spending a few minutes outside can help you go through a hard day. It is the best way to reconnect with yourself during stressful times.

Next time you feel overwhelmed or have to take an important decision, close your laptop and go for a walk. This simple activity will help you clear your mind!

Avoid distractions

Do you know how much time per week the average American spends on social media only? 15 hours. Yes, 15 hours of scrolling on social media only.

According to a study, Millionaires spend, on average, 2,5 hours on social media per week.

This difference is actually not surprising. Studies show that wealthy people allocate their time differently than the average person. They tend to avoid distractions and focus their time on activities supporting their personal growth.

The millionaires who participated in the study read on average for 5 to 6 hours for their pleasure only. They also work out at least 6 hours a week.

Successful people are usually well-aware of how they spend their resources (time and money), which significantly impacts their productivity. That’s definitely a habit we want to steal from them!

Final Thoughts

Becoming successful takes time and effort, but these 15 daily habits of highly successful people will definitely help you get there.

If you are ready to set new inspiring goals and create your dream life, my free eBook on how to implement powerful habits and routines will help you start your life transformation journey.

To download it, subscribe using the form below!


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