The Best Personal Development Podcasts

Life would be a blank sheet without us painting it with the colors of our plans; likewise, we would be static if our lives aren’t hinged on the anchors of development. Our minds are portals to the entirety of our lives and hence feeding your mind with positivity is an essentiality for peaceful existence for you are what you allow into you.

2019 started on a blissful note, I was at the cleavage of success, getting everything I had worked so hard for, manifesting my dreams and desires; I turned 20, graduated from college, wrote my first poetry collection, I had my business flourishing plus a handsome paycheck coming through every month, I was comfortable and life was good!

But tracking down to the middle of the year I hit an overwhelming brick, my life was moving so fast, I gave less to my soulful state and I came crashing down! I found myself worked up, I couldn’t strike the right balance, I wasn’t giving enough to my body and soul or serving my inner light.

I was constantly preaching self-care and self-love and yet I failed to adequately practice soulful care. I feel so bad admitting this right now. I came to fully understand that if we are constantly induced with pressure, fear, and stress, we can knock out all motivating stem but if we can continually make room for positive and knowledgeable insights we grow!

best motivational podcast on shoptify

I really wanted a change but didn’t know how to, what was I going to do? How was I going to leave the sorry-state I was in? These deep questions and more bugged my mind for weeks.

Well, it took me a while to realize the power of my mind. I realized I needed a total revamping of the content I had allowed into my mind. I needed to practice the philosophy of selective exposure.

I started with books – lots of them from self-improvement to personal development books; I became cautious of what I allowed into my mind and that was how I discovered podcasts! I listened to a plethora of impactful podcasts from personal development podcasts to self-help podcasts to entrepreneurial podcasts and so on and my life experienced a change.

Listening to people who have gone through the same experienced and phase of life that I was currently unfolding share inspirational tips, guides and insights made me know that it’s totally okay to have my life sometimes in pieces and be informed about the right steps to take my life back on track.

Are you stuck in what seems like an abyss of the fragments of failure, clogging you to the past and hindering you from relishing the beautiful taste of the present? Trust me, I have been there too and today, I’ll be sharing a few of the best personal development podcasts that helped me out.

Personal development podcasts are great ways of getting out of the rut of mediocrity that life might have put you in. I don’t write much about podcasts but trust me, I’m a great fan. A podcast is a program (such as a music or news program) that is like a radio or television show but that is downloaded over the Internet.

Best podcast about life

As of today there are over there are now over 800,000 active podcasts with over 54 million podcast episodes currently available worldwide and whether you’re on the go or not much of a reader, podcasts are a free, easy tool for learning and motivation.

So, why listen to a podcast for self-improvement, personal development podcasts, podcasts about life and so on.

Podcasts can allow you to multitask with ease. You could be on your way to class and have your headset on and you’re totally in another world. You can listen to them while cleaning or doing something on Pinterest. They are easy to access.

  1. Podcasts help you to become a better listener. In the world today, there’s a lot of noise. Everyone’s talking and no one is really listening. Podcasts can help you in that regard. You’d become a better listener. Since I started listening to podcasts, I figured that my patience to listen grew.
  2. You’d be entertained. I know this is a really obvious one but truth is, listening to podcast is a different kind of entertainment. If you’re not into books, you can listen to podcasts that tell you about characters and plots. They could help you in times of boredom.
  3. You can learn new things. With podcasts, you get to hear information from experts and knowledgeable people in various fields. You’d see newer angles to things. Listening to podcasts is such an amazing use of your time because you get more deeply invested in the areas you are interested in.
  4. Podcasts help you get more imaginative. Of course, this is more related to audio podcasts. With audio podcasts, you can develop your imaginative skills because descriptive words will be used. A lot too. And this can enhance your imaginative skills.

I’d like to share some of the best personal development podcasts. For me, these self-improvement podcasts helped me grow. These podcasts can help you develop yourself in yourself achieving goals and breaking records. So enough with the talking and let’s dive down to the empowering list of best personal development podcasts.

To start with, I think many podcasts have lost their original values. Many podcasters have dabbled into hyper-commercialism and the genuine taste that made them unique is now missing. But yeah, there are still amazing podcasts out there, some of which are my favorites. Let’s have a look at a few of them:

1.  The Life Coach School

Topping the list of the best personal development podcast is The Life Coach School. This is a podcast by Brooke Castillo. It’s a podcast that teaches you life lessons and teaches you how to solve common problems in your life. She deals with topics like how to love again, how to strike a balance in life, how to manage your time, procrastination and how to beat its presence and many more.

In The Life Coach School, Castillo teaches you how to take care of your health, business, and emotional wellbeing. Each episode is focused on one aspect of our daily struggles and deals with it extensively.

Typically, each show lasts for about 25-40 minutes, with Brooke discussing a topical life lesson. Trust me, this is one of the best podcasts out there. I’d advise a new listener to start from the beginning and listen to at least 10 because seriously, just one episode is not enough.

The beautiful thing about the podcast is the personal touch there is to it. The Life Coach School helped me realize the power of simple questions and the beauty of honesty. In my favorite episode, How Are You Feeling? She talks about how the four-worded question can reveal newer angles of people to you.

I mean, we ask it every day but how many of us really get honest replies? I fell in love with this particular episode when I realized that I genuinely unconsciously hadn’t been honest to myself and the people asking when asked that question. “I’m fine” was almost a default response to the question even when I wasn’t fine.

I could have a whole lot going on and still reply as though things were alright. The Life Coach School made me see the need for honesty and the priority of connection.

My favorite episode: How Are You Feeling?


2.  The School Of Greatness

The School of Greatness is a podcast by Lewis Howes – an established author and Columbus, Ohio native. In his podcasts, he interviews amazing and successful people from various fields who share tips on how to be successful as well. From what goals to set, how to set these goals and how to keep track of these goals.

If you are looking to get relevant opinions and expert thoughts from professionals in your field, this is the best podcast to listen to. Also, if you have awesome business ideas and you’re looking to get tips on how to start, you should check out The School of Greatness.

Each podcast is usually about 1 hour long but trust me, you’d enjoy it. The School of Greatness is very resourceful. From each episode, you can take one or more life lessons from his discussions with brilliant minds. Apart from the audio version of the podcast, you could also access the video format of them.

My love for The School of Greatness grew after listening to my favorite episode (check the link below). That particular episode made me realize the need for service and focusing on others. I was a bit too focused on myself and refused to see things from the angle of others. The episode made me see the need to reinvent myself in that regard and thankfully, I am a better person now.

My favorite episode: The Joy of Service


3.  Happier

Happier is an educative/inspirational podcast owned by Gretchen Rubin. Gretchen is an award-winning podcaster with a super-goofy personality. With her younger sister, Elizabeth Craft, who doubles as her co-host, she talks about ideas and tips for making your life happier.

Together, they propose try-at-home ideas, offer simple happiness hacks, resolve complex issues about happiness, discuss stumbling blocks, talk on knowing oneself and many more!

I love the lively vibe that comes with their podcasts. Every episode of Happier has a conversational vibe that keeps you glued to it. Gretchen is also the bestselling author of The Happiness Project and Better Than Before. More importantly, I adore the way and manner with which they deliver their educative content without making it necessarily seem like you are in a school.

Honestly, you should listen to these two if you have not. Also, Happier has 2-minute episodes called “A Little Happier” that talk about a favorite quote or habit to implement in your life.

You should listen to my favorite episode (link below), to get what I’m talking about. Happier opened me to the importance of focusing on the comfort of the body.

I go through minor aching pain frequently and I’d wonder if there was something I could do to help myself. I figured, there was! I realized the beauty of focusing on one’s body after listening to this particular episode and it has changed my life for good. There are more awesome podcasts on Rubin’s site. You can check them out.

My favorite episode: Very Special Episode about the body with a talk with Jake Knapp about Focus


4.  Design Your Dream Life

Owned by Natalie Bacon, the podcast teaches you on the steps to take in developing a positive mindset. Simply put, she believes you can get whatever you set your mind on getting and spreads her messages through the podcasts.

She helps thousands of women to find their passion, struggle less, make more money, increase their self-confidence, build online businesses, and strengthen relationships. Her podcasts ooze of possibilities and positivity.

If you’re worried about the challenges you’d face starting a business, getting another degree or any other goal, then you should listen to Design Your Dream Life.

My favorite episode (link below) made me see the need to be intentional about my relationships with everything. I had a culture of being carefree with the way I dealt with people and things and I know there are people out there who probably have the same problem too. I think they all need to listen to Natalie. Her podcasts helped me deal with the most important areas of my life.

The discussions from the podcasts are typically broad and personal, with topics ranging from managing your future to building online businesses and more. Natalie has a large coverage which makes her podcasts invaluable to anyone that has access to them.

Natalie is an ideologue of the philosophy that you’re worth whatever you wish to be and you can achieve anything if only you believe and work toward it and she preaches this gospel through her podcasts. I strongly recommend this podcast to everyone.

My favorite episode: What would they say about you?


5.  The Perfectionism Project

The best personal development podcast for 2020

The perfectionism project by Sam Laura Brown, a mindset coach, and personal development addict is one of the few podcasts that talk about dealing with perfectionists and the feeling that you’re inadequate for them.

Every day, we’re faced with people who wash us with a sense of inadequacy. And more often than not, we tend to yield to their opinions about us. The Perfectionism Project looks aims to change that.

Formerly called The Smart Twenties Podcast, The Perfectionism Project is a podcast sharing personal growth and life advice for perfectionists. With an amazing voice, Sam shares life lessons and relatable stories as well as practical advice to help ambitious women get out of their way and win in life.

The Perfectionism Project also gives insights on a range of topics including confidence, mindset, productivity, career, entrepreneurship and everything in between. New episodes are released every Monday and Thursday.

About my favorite episode, I’d say I love the fact that it made realize the need to working to get what you want. It made me see the power of responsibility. The need to seeing the results of my life experiences as a direct consequence of my actions. Laura has more beautiful podcasts that should spur you to work and see your life as your responsibility.

My favorite episode: Are You Expecting Results You’re Not Working For?


6.  Millennial

To end the list, I’d like to add this amazing podcast. Produced and hosted by Megan Tan, the show teaches millennials how to maneuver their 20s. Megan shares everything in her podcasts. From the uncertainties, she faced in her twenties to the intimate details of her relationships.

Millennial focus on transitioning between University and work and explores the subject of finding fulfilling work especially with the pressures that come with youthfulness.

Youths and teens who are confused about what to do after school or about their relationships can listen to this podcast.

Personally, the concept and format of the show have had a significant influence on me. If you’re looking to relate with problems that come with being a millennial and possible solution to help you out, then you can check her out! Start with episode 1 in the first season as everything moves in order for this one.

As a millennial, I think this has to be the best for me. Remember the experience I shared at the beginning of this post? I had issues bothering on my career choice as well. Millennial saved me with their beautiful and inspiring podcasts. If you are young and confused about anything at all (like I was, a few years back), then Millenial is the best podcast for you.

My favorite episode: Long Distance Love Story


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