List of 100 Good Habits To Transform Your Life for Better!

Are you trying to change your life but don’t know where to start? Want to build habits or a lifestyle that increases the quality of your life? Here are Lists of 100 habits that are simple yet highly effective in helping you transform your life!

Why incorporate Healthy habits?

Habits build your lifestyle and what you are right now and will be years from now.

So it is up to us whether we want to build good habits that, over time, can make our life better or implement bad habits and get stuck!

When I started making a habit of exercising every day just for 10-15 minutes, not only I started liking it and got better, but I ended up losing 7 kgs!

Let’s Read a list of 100 habits that can make your life Better!

1. Make Your Bed

Making your bed first in the morning helps us feel relaxed and less stressed when we come home at night!

2. Read every day

Reading is essential for building a healthy lifestyle for yourself! It is one of the top lists of good habits you should implement! The amount of education you can get about life from reading is priceless!

My Reading List

3. Exercising- Moving your body

It’s essential to keep your body moving for overall well-being! Whether it is working out at home, running, or joining a sport that interests you!

4. Positive Self-talk

The thoughts and conversations you have with yourself, especially about your self-image, determine your life in terms of confidence and happiness! Positive self-talk will increase self-love and spirit and bring more individual happiness

5. Do what makes your heart happy

Life is too short to waste doing things that do not serve you! Invest your Time in making your heart happy and what your soul needs!

Even as little as making your favorite coffee or traveling!

6. Eating mindfully

Out of all the 100 habits, if you can take even one, it has to be Eating Mindfully!

Our eating habits significantly impact our physical, mental, and emotional health!
Be mindful of what you eat every day to have a balanced diet! Once you notice what you consume, you can take care of your health!

Have you noticed that when you eat a lot of junk or heavy food, you feel dizzy? And when you eat a lot of nutritious food, you will feel light and energetic!

7. Drinking enough water

8. Prioritize me-time

Self-care is a huge part of being self-sufficient and feeling joy in life! Practice self-care activities to avoid burnout and relax during tough days!

9. Create A morning routine

Creating a productive morning routine can help you jump-start your day by getting essential things done and prioritizing personal Time with yourself!

10. Invest in Courses

If you want to work on a particular area in your life and become better, then taking courses online is the ideal way people are now going towards it! It is so easy to learn and master something just by enrolling in a class and grow

11. Use your energy wisely

We all have limited time and, most importantly, energy to use within that period! If you end up wasting it on things that eventually don’t matter as it can make you feel drained

Hence, ask yourself next Time…

is it worth giving my attention to? 

If the answer is no, then leave it

12. Make lists to organize

From these lists of 100 habits, one that has been incredibly helpful has been writing lists! Making lists always help me clear my mind and get things done- whether it is a work list or a shopping list, it always helps.

13. Get a Planner

14. Practice affirmations

15. Buying things you only need

So many of us splurge and buy things we don’t need and still complain about not having money! How often have you found your vanity filled with permanent makeup and skincare and hardly used any?

16. Find a healthy coping mechanism

17. Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude daily helps us minimize negative thoughts. I am going through a phase currently where finding things to be grateful for is getting hard, but I know this is what I need the most to help me bring more meaning to life

18. Meditate

19. Build An Self-care evening routine

Just like a morning routine to have a productive day, creating a wind-down evening routine to help your body relax and get ready for bed is great

20. Productivity schedule

What really helps me get things done and move forward in creating a productive daily schedule that sticks! I can complete the essential tasks, and it will help me grow instead of wasting time on unnecessary tasks

21. Socialize

22. Have a skincare routine

A good skincare routine is vital for healthy skin! You want to save money and save your skin over harmful products! Make sure to research and seek professional help when creating a skincare routine!

I go to a good dermatologist or watch Hyram’s and Liah Yoo’s skincare videos to learn about the best products!

23. Start Investing

24. Get Frequent Health checkups

Make sure to get medical checkups now and then to ensure you are healthy and not lacking any nutrients! Knowing before can help you work on them and get the right foods!

25. Be kind to others

26. Set Healthy boundaries

You have to protect your energy and not let others drain you; hence setting boundaries is only the best way to do it!

27. Surround yourself with mindful people

28. Make your own decisions

As individuals, we have to make our own choice; if you rely on others or find that your family or peers constantly decide for you whether you want it or not, you will feel unhappy and dissatisfied!

Eventually, it is your life, and you have to push and choose your life

29. Get Sunlight

30. And wear sunscreen Everyday

While you are trying to get your daily dose of the sun or not, make sure to apply sunscreen! Some easy and best-available sunscreens that you can buy on amazon are-

31. Invest in Quality Products

32. Stick to habits

It takes a minimum of 21 days to turn something into a habit; hence stick to it! Sticking to conventions is the only way to see results over Time.

33. Maintain Hygiene

34. Declutter your space

Every now and then declutter your home and deep clean! Its a part of simplifying your life and having a fresh start

35. Make time for hobbies

Make Time after work to take on a hobby to have fun! Work often brings stress, but pursuit doesn’t, so even if you love what you do, take on hobbies-

36. Handle your finances

37. Learn About new cultures

There are so many cultures different from one another, and all have so many beautiful things about them! Learning about new cultures takes you to other areas of people’s lives, and it is exciting to see or experience a different life!

38. Spend more time in nature

39. Get proper sleep

Make sure to get full non-stop 8 hours of sleep!

40. Work on healthy posture

41. Do Not Miss Your Breakfast

Did you know Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet most people skip it?

42. Be more environment friendly

Seeing how everything is going around in the world, becoming eco-conscious is the need of an hour! Start small with a few things, and stay calm.

41. Walk more

Keep your body moving by walking whenever possible instead of taking a cab or bus; if you walk quickly to a place, then do it

42. Be compassionate

43. Do something you have never done before

Try new things constantly; it helps you grow and learn much about life! It so much and keeps the excitement of life going!

44. Consume less carbonated drinks

45. Limit your screen time

Ahh! The hardest for our generation is limiting our screen time! It is for me, too, as my work requires me to be glued to the screen!

I usually indulge in hobbies and activities that keep me occupied and not look at my phone!

46. Unfollow people

47. Write Down

Writing down my goals or task helps me achieve them!

All I do is write on paper what I want to get done or achieve at a particular time, and I always find it comes true, which is even better!

Hence WRITE YOUR GOALS AND TASKS. Otherwise, you will end up forgetting them

48. Build multiple-income streams

49. Consume less processed food

Processed food contains many harmful ingredients that can damage your health if, hence, limit your consumption or…

50. Always read ingredients before buying

Once you have read the products’ ingredients, you will be able to purchase products that are good and contain fewer toxins!

A simple trick is to know that all the ingredients in food products should be simple and understandable for ordinary people! Too many complicated words mean that they most likely contain toxins!

51. Learn to beat procrastination

52. Don’t do things forcefully

If you don’t want to do something, then don’t do it. Doing things half-heartedly is not worth it as it will lower your energy! Hence, do not indulge yourself in it.

53. Learn to say no

54. Change your bedsheets

As a part of daily hygiene, change your bedsheets every 1-2 weeks!

55. Be more Time Efficient

56. Balance both professional and personal life

Focusing too much on just one part of your life can create chaos in others! if you keep working and do not prioritize relationships and your health, eventually, they will go down

57. Stop caring about society’s opinion

I have seen so many people who make hard and big decisions in life unhappily because they care too much about what others think and end up suffering inside!

Life is too short to waste it, wondering what others think, and Hey! Even if you do EVERYTHING they want, they will still find a fault in you!

58. Learn to trust

59. Maintain Dental Hygiene

Eat less sugar as it can cause cavities, floss daily, and maintain dental hygiene ( because the dentist costs a lot!)

60. Spend time with god

Just like all relationships, it is essential to give Time to god! Having even 5 minutes praying or opening up to whoever you believe in, in terms of spirituality, is essential

61. Give back

62. Go on trips to get perspective

Traveling to different cities and countries gives us insight into other people’s lives.
And sometimes, it opens up a new perspective we can apply to life!

63. If it takes less than 5 minutes, do it

90% of the Time, tasks we procrastinate on so much and keep thinking about taking hardly much Time! Hence next time, think, if it takes less than 5 minutes, then do it and get over it!

64. Talk to Someone

If you are going through something, make sure to talk it out and not keep it in! Talking out helps you feel light and comforted! Whether it be friends or family, find someone with whom you can share your feelings!

65. Question everything

66. Take cold showers

Cold showers are really healthy at times! It can be instantly refreshing and pump you up!

68. Consume less sugar

69. Stop comparing

Comparison kills happiness; trying to avoid and just focusing on what you truly want from the inside is what matters and will help you be happier!

70. Listen to podcasts

Listening to podcasts is the new thing if you don’t like reading! People share their best experiences and tips on podcasts that you can listen to while walking or doing daily chores!

71. Work on inner healing

72. Collect experiences not things

Don’t spend money on collecting a lot of things; instead, build experiences that will last forever

73. Get Kindle To go digital!

I have been saving up to get a kindle very soon/ I love reading and especially physical books, but over time I found they have taken up so much space in my room, and I want to keep them.

Switching to Kindle is an excellent option as –

  • it will be travel friendly
  •  I can find all the books in one place
  •  My room will be less cluttered!

74. Track your Progress

Tracking your progress is a great motivation to keep going! Seeing how much you have improved by doing something only pushes you to go for it more!

Tracking progress also is a great way to reflect and correct mistakes you might be making!

75. Sell you clothes online

76. Explore new areas in your city

Exploring new areas where you live is the easiest and fastest travel experience when you cannot go outside! It is super exciting, and you learn so much more about where you live

77. Try Intermittent Fasting

Do your research on intermittent fasting and see if you want to try it!

78. Listen to Music on Road Trips

79. Start a simple living lifestyle

Lastly, Starting a simple lifestyle can help you gain more meaning in simplicity!

80. Smile More

81. Take 30-day Challenge

Challenges are extremely helpful in growing and achieving a goal! 30-day challenges of working out or reading, or learning a new language which leads me to the next habit –

82. Learn a New Language

I recently started learning German, and so far, loving it! I cannot wait to go and live in Germany one day!

83. Explore Different Hobbies

84. Clean your phones and laptop

I always miss out on this one, but Make sure to clean your phone and laptop screen and make it dust free!

85. Digital Declutter

86. Journal Everyday

Journaling helps me feel better and improves my mood. A daily habit of journaling can not only help you improve your mood but also provide clarity on what you should do

87. Take Vitamins

88. Cook at home more

The most healthy form of food is homemade; when cooking at home, you can add healthier alternatives and how much quantity you need. It automatically makes it healthier!

I stopped drinking coffee or tea outside specifically; they add more sugar than needed!

89. Listen to your heart

90. Take advice from right people

91. Simplify your Home

Declutter now and then, keep things in organizers, and make your home breathable!

92. Focus on one thing at a time

I Learned the importance of this only this year; focusing on too many things often leads to clarity and little progress.

Practicing batching your work and focus only one thing; once you have mastered it, add other

93. Try a new Cuisine

94. Make New friends

Finding people with the same interests as you, maybe similar hobbies or professions, is always good; you can get someone to share your thoughts with!

95. Have warm water in the morning

Please do not consume coffee/tea first thing in the morning; it is not suitable for your health! Instead, switch to warm water in the morning and hydrate yourself

96. Love yourself

97. Set Daily rewards

Daily rewards can be a great motivation to get things done; set a mini treat for yourself!

98. Have a night routine

If you find your morning unproductive, even if you have tried plenty of things, you may need to look at your nighttime routine! It could be the reason you may not feel energized –

99. Have a reset day every few weeks

Reset days are great for getting back into your daily life and having a checkup on your life; if you have been feeling burned out or overwhelmed, you may need to consider this;

100 Set Daily Goals

Lastly, set mini-daily goals for yourself! Make sure to not add more than 3 goals per day and give all your focus to each! Setting small goals every day adds up to significant achievements over some time!


These were the list of 100 habits that you can start! These are simple habits you can add to your day to benefit you! I hope you found them helpful!

Make sure to only add some 100 habits but choose just 1-2 that you need the most right now, or maybe it is easier to start to get into your healthy habits journey!

What habits are you planning to add to your life from these 100 habits?

This Post was all about the List of 100 Habits to Improve Life

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