Night watchers, it’s time to become a morning person, and actually love the heck out of this thing.

Use these 10 simple tricks to wake up early, and sail on your way to a healthier life. 

I have always been in awe of people who wake up on time with giant smiles on their faces (and fine, a little bit envious too.)

I was the grumpiest morning person during my school years and always frowned at my friends who came to school looking like fresh drops of dew.

How are you doing that?” I wanted to ask but never bothered.

I figured since I was waking up early anyway, it didn’t matter if I was sour about it.

Who had the time to work on my morning mood when there were a dozen classes to attend?

(Eye-roll to my past self.)

Now, as an adult, I’ve realized that two things are of utmost importance for a healthy lifestyle – Being a morning person, and actually loving it!

Up until a few months ago, I struggled with both.

But after putting some work into it, I am finally glad to announce I am now a budding morning person. 

Becoming A Morning Person Changed My Life

It truly did.

I mean, I’ve started leaving the bed at 4:30 and hitting the road for a jog by 5:00. Is that a nice change over sleeping till noon?

Heck, yeah!

But the other golden changes that happened to my daily routine were even more astonishing.

Ever since I’ve started waking early, these are the benefits I’ve unearthed:

  • Increased focus
  • Super Productivity
  • No crankiness
  • A calmer state of mind
  • Larger attention span
  • Glowing skin
  • And the best one – no more tired, sleep-deprived eyes

Can You Become A Morning Person

I’ve already disclosed how cranky I was in the mornings during my teen years. This behavior followed me around for 2 more years.

But these days, I am the earliest bird in my house (and in the whole neighborhood, I think.)

If someone like me, who’s been proclaimed to be an owl since my birth, could turn into a morning person, so can you.

Anyone in this world can shift their morning time, given they go about it the right way.

All you need for this seemingly monumental task is some patience, self-kindness, some healthy habits, and a few tricks that would help you cultivate those habits.

And I’ve got you covered in all those departments!

Before moving on, you might want to pin this post to save for later.

This post is all about 10 simple ways to become a morning person and love it.

Let’s jump in.

10 Ways To Become A Morning Person

1. A Stressfree Nighttime Routine

Stress before bedtime can create an unwillingness to sleep.

A restless mind doesn’t want to sleep on time. It prefers staying up late, worrying over troubling thoughts that shouldn’t even be allowed entrance at night.

Creating a nighttime routine is a super-healthy habit, not to mention it’s a must-do for all the self-care lovers out there.

It creates an atmosphere that encourages you to relax and close your eyes to peaceful thoughts.

Ultimately, going to sleep after a nourishing treatment helps you wake up on time.

Here are a few activities you can add to your nighttime routine:

  • A warm shower
  • Proper skincare
  • Journaling
  • Soothing music
  • Scented candles
  • Reading

Unsure about your self-care practices?

2. Make Gradual Changes

The worst mistake I made trying to become a morning person was to attempt overnight changes.

I was impatient and wanted to see quick results in my routine.

So, I’d go all in by forcing myself to sleep by 9 and wake up at 4 A.M sharp.

Granted, my aim toward building a sudden perfect routine was a recipe for disaster.

Impatience and restlessness won’t help you wake early.

If anything, you’ll end up getting stuck in a cycle of day/night sleeping where you don’t have a fixed sleep schedule.

To adopt a permanent habit, make small changes every day till you reach an ideal point.

Here are some gradual approaches you can follow to become a morning person:

  • Gradually lower the heaviness of your dinners (light meals make it easier to fall asleep quickly)
  • Shift your bedtime slowly (sleep half hour earlier every night)
  • Do five minutes of meditation to practice mindfulness and control
  • Journal four sentences during your nighttime and write more the next time
  • Exercise for ten minutes one evening, then make it fifteen the next. Increase accordingly.

If you think you’re a tad impatient when it comes to adopting changes,

These are the tricks I swear by for a blissful life, and you might find a ton of useful information in there.

3. Build A Refreshing Morning Routine

Putting your thoughts to bed doesn’t necessitate you waking up on time.

You have to dangle a carrot in front of your stubborn night-loving mind and urge it to wake up on time.

To put it in simpler words, offer yourself an incentive to wake up early.

Because seriously, why on earth would you want to wake up to a stressful routine?

If you plan to jump straight to your laptop to finish writing reports in the morning, there’s no way your sleepy brain would cooperate.

That’s where a healthy morning routine comes in (a.k.a, our incentive to be an early bird.)

Here are some cute tips for a glowing morning routine:

  • Avoid touching your phone for the first thirty minutes
  • Make your bed
  • Drink one cup of herbal tea
  • Write morning pages to imbibe positivity
  • Water your plants
  • Take a small walk in nature
  • Exercise or do yoga
  • Take a shower and get dressed
  • End your morning routine with a protein-rich breakfast

Want to know how I make my morning time fun?  9 morning routine ideas I use to kickstart my day on a perfect note.

Side-Tip: Starting your day with morning affirmations can be amazing for your mental health.

4. Improve Your Sleep Quality

Ever wondered how you sometimes sleep for 12 hours, but wake up with a headache, while sometimes even 4 hours of sleep recharges you?

Your bedtime, sleeping hours, and wake-up time are important. But something that’s equally essential is how you sleep.

Your sleep quality sets your energy level for the day. If you sleep well, you’ll naturally perform well in life.

On the other hand, sleeping the wrong way can have tiring effects on your body.

I had no clue about this until I shifted my focus to the quality of sleep. The results I got from these were instant and absolutely golden.

Just by making myself sleep better, I started waking up fresh, and that in turn made a huge difference in my daily routine.

I am so happy that I’ve already created a post on this!

You will benefit greatly from reading about the 10 perfect ways to sleep better at night (the tips in there are seriously life-changing and will help you a great deal.)

5. Use A Journal To Put Your Thoughts To Bed

Each day carries a different weight and adds new meaning to life.

If we don’t stop to put these thoughts into words, we’re wasting a chance to encourage our growth.

At the end of the day, you probably have things you need to put into perspective. And the best way to do this is to journal your thoughts.

Going to bed with a heavy mind can result in a restless night, while a decluttered brain finds it easier to rest.

Bedtime journaling is essential for mental health and creating a proper sleep environment.

When you wake up the next morning, you can start your day afresh and build on top of your sorted past experience.

6. Learn To Love The Act Of Sleeping

Could it be that you dread the act of sleeping, and see it as an obligation rather than a restful activity?

Perhaps you worry about not being able to sleep, and this apprehension adds to your sleeping problems?

Throughout my childhood and most of my teen years, I had trouble falling asleep (something I later realized was sleep anxiety.)

I would toss and turn in my bed, staring at the ceiling, and had no clue what was happening.

It wasn’t until I changed my way of looking at sleep that I was able to free myself from this stress.

If you suffer from sleep anxiety, you need to first tackle your perspective on this. Basically, learn how to love the act of sleeping.

Your body thrives after a good night’s rest, and your mind should be on the same page about sleep.

Realize the true value of your bedtime, and you won’t be anxious to close your eyes anymore.

Struggling with an overwhelmed mind? Learn how to calm yourself down using 10 perfect ways that work for everyone.

7. Set Your Intentions For The Next Day

This step is crucial for you to become a morning person.

Planning your day in advance, and setting positive intentions for the next day, significantly increases your chances of waking up early.

Also, it is an amazing practice for people looking to increase their productivity and self-growth.

Here are a few tips to help you set your intentions for the next day:

  • Use self-affirmations to cement your thoughts.
  • Speak to a friend about your weekly goals.
  • Be realistic about your everyday goals.
  • Use a daily planner.
  • Be disciplined, but also stay relaxed. Balancing both is key to a successful day.

8. Use An Alarm Clock

Don’t set an alarm on your phone. You’re just going to hit pause on it and roll right back to sleep.

Instead, buy yourself a loud alarm clock, and set it across the room from you.

This way, when it goes off in the morning, you won’t be able to turn it off in your half-asleep form.

You’ll need to get off the bed and do a zombie walk toward it.

By the time you turn it off, its loud shrill should penetrate through your sleep-induced brain and cause some alertness.

And as for making sure that you don’t roll back to sleep despite all the loud fuzz, that’s where our next tip comes in.

9. Keep Your Morning Items Ready

Right after you’re done shutting your alarm clock, your morning items should be the next thing you notice on the table.

These items might include your workout clothes, shoes, an exercise mat, a morning journal, and ironed clothes that you’ll wear after your shower.

These things will act as visible sources of motivation for you.

It’s also a solid way of communicating to your brain that your day has been mapped out, and waking up late (or going back to sleep) is not an option.

10. Expose Yourself To Bright Light The Moment You’re Up

Right after you wake up, it’s a good idea to create an environment signaling the start of your day.

Your sleepy brain needs to get the memo that the night is over and we’re entering a new morning zone.

The best way to do this?

Exposing yourself to bright light!

There are two main benefits to this:

  • Light will create an aura of positivity around you.
  • And you’ll be less likely to go back to sleep.

Open your windows to let in some natural light and allow some fresh air to come in.

If you’re waking up before the crack of dawn, switch on the brightest bulb in your room.

Keep in mind that light can be a powerful source of positivity. It’s up to you to use it the right way. 

In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.

-Aaron Rose

How To Become A Morning Person From A Night Owl

Welcome to the bonus section of this post.

If you’ve made it to this section, you’re probably a night owl.

I am really happy to have you here because honestly, I feel a sense of kinship with you.

I was once a night owl, and I think I still am, in some ways. It’s just that my core is now a hybrid of an owl and a morning chirping bird.

Here are a few simple tips to help you become a morning person:

1. Find A Middle Ground

A simple fact is that you love staying up at night, but also want to be up on your feet during dawn time.

Find a way to balance both your needs, and you’ll have a perfect route to waking up on time.

2. Sleep Between 10-12

I have found 10 P.M to be my ideal bedtime. However, being a nighttime owl, you might not be pacified by this. And that’s fine!

If not 10, train yourself to sleep anytime till 12 and then wake up by 7 or 8. It is still better than sleeping at 4 in the morning.

3. Avoid Day Naps

Napping during the day might cause a lack of sleep during your bedtime.

Especially for people who have trouble sleeping at night, napping during the daytime is not recommended.

4. Tire Yourself Out Before Bedtime

Exhaustion is a great way for owls to become early birds.

A tired body doesn’t remember its owlish nature. All it cares about is getting to bed on time and sleeping like a baby.

Exercise in the evening, clean your room and take long walks to make sure you fall asleep the moment you hit the bed.

Becoming A Morning Person Doesn’t Have To Be Hard

As long as you are willing to make changes, you will succeed.

Just follow these 10 tips to become a morning person, and you’ll slowly transform your morning routine.

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