How To Get Your Life Back On Track

Survival can be the most reckless journey one can ever embark on and I am currently living through the last days of college, navigating through my final exams and it has been a bumpy ride. I feel like my life is scattered in a thousand missing pieces.

I am hooked across the transition phase of life after graduation, exhausted from the continual routine and the pressure of meeting up with my goals for my blog, revamping, preparing myself for the holiday season and the new year. It hasn’t been an easy route but it certainly has been an intriguing adventure!

I am certain so many of us have been on this or are on this carriage, jingling so many things at the same time that it all becomes overwhelming and we are stuck at a point of confusion.

If you have never been stuck in a rut or a magnifying confusing state, I want you to indicate in the comment section. Lolz…. that’s almost impossible except you are not living your best life.

Like it or not, we are all holding on through the tug of balance. It could be you as a new mom trying to get your routine back, it could be you stuck in the hassle of finding your purpose that will give your life that positive lead, it could be you sitting on the fence of regrets, embarking on a journey of self love, struggling to find your balance in life, finding it difficult to crush your goals and intentions before the year ends or struggling to get that financially secured life with a 9-5 job that you ain’t pleased with and you are ripping through every reason to continue.

I understand such confusion. You could be at this point of transition just like I am with life happening so fast you are trying to keep sane and live your best life through the different puzzles.

I want you to understand and know that life isn’t about conquering but learning to navigate through those halts. You have to understand that everything is impermanent, it is a universal law!

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When you think of yourself amid a very difficult moment, remember that that moment will change, that moment will go away, it is not going to last forever and at the same time the beautiful moment will eventually end and the difficult moment will also end.

So what that means is that you will be able to cherish the good times and understand during the hard times that this is also going to pass, this is also going to change and that is the movement of life.

Life is like an ocean, it moves between calmness and storms so we need to understand that everything is impermanent.

When things are spiraling out of control, I want you to remember that you are power in motion, do not allow the test to siphon your strength. I want you to know that you have the ability and strength to show up every day and navigate into bliss from these challenges. Oh! Yes, I said that; no matter how cluttered everything seems.

You can adequately take charge and hang those prints of confusion into the frames of adventure.

‘Change’ will always come, we simply have to learn to prepare, make way and embrace it.

In the chaotic phases, here are Mantras To Chant In These Dark phases:

  • I don’t need to hide my darkness.
  • Not knowing creates space for possibility instead of programming.
  • The journey inward isn’t always pleasant but it’s always worth it.
  • I can withstand the discomfort.
  • The light is always coming and there’s something to learn here too.
  • I am undergoing a powerful transformation.
  • I am unstoppable!
  • I commit, I won’t quit!
  • Today, I accomplish my goals.
  • I write my own life story.
  • I am giving my best each day.
  • I am filled with an ‘abundance’.
  • It’s okay to wait until you feel better.
  • Being calm in the midst of chaos is a sign of true power.

Getting your life in order or back on track doesn’t happen within a second, it is a route that must continually be traveled. So if you have been wondering how to get your life back on track here are several ways or guides to help you get your life back on track that I adopted in my trying times and they saved me! 

Before I dive right in, I’ll love to say that if you are really stuck or overwhelmed with the state or phase you are in and you want to connect on a deeper level, or you are in search of more clarity on the next step to take I am just a click away, feel free to send me a direct message on Instagram or send me an email and I’ll be more than honored to help you out in any way I can.. 

1.  Breath And Relax

Breathe in, breathe out.

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This can be the most unchill or obsolete thing to be doing but you have to breathe…….. Yes, in and out slowly and relax; have your breath in control.

Calmly allowing a tough day to pass not only makes the day less turbulent but it is a sign that you are using the changes of life to your benefit- by not reinforcing heavy emotional patterns that may create more tough moments in the future.

It’s okay to not know how to flip the coin. I have learned to embrace that sometimes things will slip between your fingertips and you’ll have no control. We really cannot control life but we can choose how we react and the energy we return to the happenings life exposes us to.

I want you to come to the acceptance that you don’t have it together, or that you are confused; the routes are tangled so stop ignoring that fact with several excuses. Acknowledge that you need a cleanup, the imperfect mess is normal, it is very much needed and please don’t beat yourself up for being the craziest person in the world.

Imperfection, anxiety, confusion is normal! It is part of the plot of life and you can’t skip chapters, that’s not how life works. You have to read every line and meet every character, else you won’t enjoy all of it.

Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks, you will read things you don’t want to read, you will have moments when you don’t want the pages to end. But you have to keep going because these adventures and stories keep the world revolving. Live yours and don’t miss out! Don’t run away from heavy emotions, honor the anger, anxiety, confusion, give pain the space it needs to breathe- this is how we let go

2.  Access Your Life

When in the cycle of confusion, I want you to access your life; accessing your life could be using a list of life questions, empowering journal prompts or employing the life wheel diagram.

For me, every phase encountered in life has a purpose, if only we can delve into the relevance of that phase our approach to life will be more accommodating and we won’t try to fight it off.

So my dear, thoroughly access your life by asking deep questions that can turn that confusing phase around. Questions like:

  • What needs to be fixed?
  • What aspect of my life is dragging behind?
  • What is no longer serving me?
  • What am I holding onto that I need to let go?
  • Why exactly do I feel stuck?
  • What is in the way of getting what I want?
  • What is the blurriness preparing me for?
  • What do I have to do?
  • How do I have to slow down?
  • How can I accept my human attributes better?
  • What are my distractions?
  • What have I done or not done to get here?
  • Am I making choices for myself or are people’s opinions a factor?
  • What am I passionate about?
  • Do I have mental or physical space for expression?
  • Am I taking care of my body and mind?
  • Am I setting the necessary boundaries for my mental health and wellness?

These questions will enable you to evaluate, communicate with yourself and understand the reason for your emotions. The questions could equate to taking a break, setting a whole new plan, taking things slowly, etc. In order to properly evaluate and access my life, I make use of the Life Compass guided Journal. There is so much happening around and so it can be really challenging to keep tabs of all the trends and properly access your life. But with the empowering prompts and questions in the Life Compass Journal you can effectively keep record of where you need to work on, the things that are negatively affecting you and have a plan outlined to come of such rut. 

Opening up to yourself and others ease the tension and unrest; I have been on a roller coaster of stress where I have been struggling with almost everything and staying sane and to be honest, opening up about this to my wonderful illuminator’s (readers) makes the process more relieving.

3.  Declutter

No matter how small, let go of every excess atom in your life – from your thoughts to holding on to regrets, holding on to past mistakes, not forgiving yourself, an unorganized room, wardrobe, etc. Letting go of toxicity cleanses you and creates space for the new light to soak in.

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No matter how small, clear the space on your phone, your computer, sorting out bookmarks on your browser or your emails. Get rid of what you don’t want. Clear your mind and take moments to be by yourself, go for a long walk, and sit in silence.

4.  Rebrand Your Mindset And Cleanse Your Aura

In the process of decluttering, those thoughts that are hanging at the rooftop of your mind needs to be taken down; you can do this by simply journaling, rebranding your mindset and cleansing your aura.

Everything will work itself out eventually, you simply have to empower your mind. Some days will be difficult, some days we will fail but never forget that failure begets success.

Never look back except you are planning to go that way. You may be leveraging on the fear of not repeating those mistakes, measuring a tool that you do better in the future but the truth is your energy goes to where your attention is. If your attention is in the past, that is where you are going to live, that is where you are going to spend your time and you are never going to be able to plan for the future.

If you keep holding on to those limiting situations, you will continually be limited.

5.  Brain Dump

how to get back on track with studying

We usually hold on to thoughts, experiences from the past, and unforgiveness that are not supposed to be present in our mind and the continued preservation of these thoughts bring about an organizational Brain Dump.

Make a list of the things that are not working, you can list them in order of importance or relevance, more like a cleanup list of all the workloads you have to attend to, the chores, the bills that you need to pay, brutally write everything out. Start stroking out from the little things like simply decluttering your room, changing your clothes, mending or apologizing.

Brain dumping enables you to untangle your thoughts or mind. This is highly related to decluttering but I’ll love to add it to the list.

I usually make a rough sketch of circles outlining the things I want to let go of and the thoughts that are raging unrest in my mind like my fears, limitations, mistakes, insecurities, uncertainties, etc. And I begin to realistically access these list, most times I end up eliminating a chunk of them as our minds just creates complexity in our thoughts. 

6.  Create An Up Level Plan

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In order for you to get back on track, you got to make an action plan for that, this includes making a list of the things you want to do, things you want to learn or achieve, projects to work on, goals, favorite memories, things to schedule, books to read, podcast playlist, prayer list, savings plan, things that inspire me, things that make me happy, things that I am grateful for, my prioritizes for life broken down in my priorities for the year, for the month, for the week and for the day.

Constantly referring to that plan enables you to paint out a vision and plan for your life. If you don’t know where you are going, it’s easy to get lost and this feeling is extremely limiting. An uplevel plan can be a good way for you to design a life with your desires.

Good planning is the compass of growth. Life doesn’t always strictly adhere to the plans we make but having a catalog of intentions, goals, and direction keeps us sane when the coin flips.

Plan your work and work your plan! This has been a struggle for me, I love to go with the flow but having a business puts you on the line of planning. Planning sorts the route you need to take to reach and achieve your desired intentions and goals.

7.  Stop Thinking Long Term

I know I preach the sermon of planning, visualizing, setting long term goals, etc. When you are hooked on the bridge of confusion, think about the steps you need to climb down and not what awaits you on the other side when you cross.

If you want to essentially get back on track, make your goals a little bit short term. What can you do in the next week or tomorrow that makes you progress into your vision?

For example, during my hangover with college exams and the hassle of delivering quality content, all I did was focus on reading and designing pins. I didn’t channel my energy into writing new content, I simply churned out the posts that have been sitting in my drafts for so long. I still had my grand vision of hitting 500k visitors for the month but I worked towards the mini-goals in these unclear times.

To avoid extreme overwhelmedness, this is often related to learning to manage your energy. This has to do with the emotional state you show up in life with. If your energy drive towards life is negative, everything that will be received falls into the negative spiral.

8.  Find A Muse/ Mentor

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Being attracted by someone else success is a very good way to pull yourself out of a chaotic struggle. I am not encouraging you to lit the sparks of comparison but you can tap from the energy and momentum encrypted in that personal journey or story.

During the weeks I felt retarded, I surfed through the internet of certain influencers, poets, therapists or coaches that could kick my butt back into gear be it through their content, books, or videos. There is a fill of encouragement that if it’s possible for them, it is possible for me. Reverse engineer the steps they took so you can start taking them yourself.

Go binge on their content, feeding your mental state with positivity influences the way we reason, what you consume either fuels you or reduces your sanity. So whenever you are on the tracks of unclarity and confusion, feed your mind, body, and soul with positive, inspirational and motivational content.

It could be downloading a positive ebook just like my free ebook ‘roots’ that I have written just for you, downloading applications that exude positive content or following inspirational influencers on Instagram.

Udayanbazar is another motivating space that you can subsequently visit, I share doze of motivation and positivity every month with all my illuminators and you can simply subscribe to my email list to be one of the first people that get any motivational content.

9.  Adopt Essentials For Happiness

get back to life

Say no to harmful habits, learn to embrace change, do not compromise your rest, be open to quality friendship, see challenges as opportunities, say yes to things that feel right, mental calmness solves problems, all great things take time to build, and never forget that generosity supports peace of mind.

Tough emotions and agitated thoughts cannot take over your life when you meet them with ease, acceptance, and calmness. If you meet the rough parts of you with gentleness, they will melt away, leaving you lighter and giving you more space to act from a place of wisdom.

When you open yourself up to letting go, the heavy patterns that limit the clarity of your mind finally have the door they need to exit your being. All you need to do is to be okay with not being okay during a tense moment of release.

10.  Rinse And Repeat For A Life Time

I want you to know that getting your life together is always progress even if you are accustomed with the knowledge of getting results within seconds or minutes, don’t be hard on yourself. One step at a time, and either slowly or rapidly, you’ll find yourself out of rut and back on track. Real maturity is letting temporary mental turbulence pass by without allowing it to control your actions or the way you see yourself so my dear friend whenever you feel you are hitting a confusing state, rinse and repeat these steps to guide yourself out of that limiting phase. 

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