15 things to do to live life to the fullest


It’s no secret that developing good habits is important to living a fulfilling life. Over time, habits shape and define us. That’s why people who want to develop their full potential to live life to the fullest need to increase their mindfulness and change their daily habits.

Whether you want to become more goal-driven or do a hard reset of your life, you will need to implement new routines and learn how to live in the present.

You will not transform your life until you start changing the things you do daily. The main issue with lifestyle changes is that many people want to do it too fast.

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They try to operate dramatic lifestyle changes from one day to another. But let’s face it, these kinds of resolutions rarely stick.

There is actually no need to make drastic changes to transform your life. All you need to do is be more mindful about the way you decide to use your time and implement positive daily habits.

I have implemented small changes myself, which have made a huge difference in my life.

I hope that this list will help you in this transition to a new life. Implementing positive daily habits will help you develop your full potential and live life to the fullest.

Let’s start!

Reflect on yourself regularly

If you are trying to improve your life, there are probably many things you want to change in your current situation.

To begin this transition, you must first understand what changes you need to implement. To do so, you should be able to answer the questions below:

  • What would make you happier?
  • What are your short and long-term life goals?
  • Why didn’t you achieve them already?
  • What changes can you make in your daily life to support these goals?
  • What would be your milestones?

Once you have figured out your goals and action steps, write them down.

Did you know that people who write down their goals and reflect on them regularly have 42% more chances to succeed?

So grab your favorite pen, buy a nice notebook, or download a great note-taking app and start today!

The best way to reflect on yourself is to do a life audit. Very few people understand the power of this exercise, and among all the people who do life audits, most of them only do them once a year, at the end of the year.

Regularly doing a life audit will help you ensure you stay on track to achieve your goals and create the life you want.

Ideally, you should do a life audit every quarter or at least twice a year to ensure your life evolves in the right direction.

Do not underestimate the power of this exercise! Reflecting on your life, purpose, and goals will positively impact your daily life

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Take time for self-improvement

This advice is probably the most important on this list.

Personal growth should be one of your priorities if you want to live in the moment and truly enjoy your life.

Focusing on your personal growth will help you find your purpose and take your career to the next level. As you can imagine, having a job you love will greatly impact your life satisfaction.

Life is not all about money, but making enough money will surely improve your life. It will allow you to work less and make the most out of your life.

This is the reason why if you are not satisfied with your current life, you should start by reconsidering your career and ensuring it is aligned with your purpose.

If you are unsatisfied with your current job, your personal growth needs to be your priority. It will help you develop skills that will offer you new opportunities.

Many activities will help you work on your personal development. You can, for instance, take e-learning courses, read books, listen to podcasts, or take online classes.

Your personal development is important to design a life you will love to wake up to. It will help you rethink your career.

So plan a few minutes daily to learn something new and develop new skills. Your future self will thank you!

edX and MOOC are my favorite platforms to take free online courses. These 2 websites offer thousands of courses on many different subjects.

edX offers free courses from Harvard, MIT, and many other great universities worldwide. That’s definitely a great resource to try out!

Most of the courses are self-paced. You can pay a small fee (around 70$ most of the time) if you want to get a certification at the end of the course.

You can also enroll in the same courses for free if you do not opt-in for a certificate.

Have a plan for your dreams

Have you ever read the quote, “Dreams don’t work unless you do?”.

It says it all. Having dreams is a good thing. It allows us to escape from our everyday lives and motivates us.

Future needs to be something you look forward to, not something you feel bad about. Having dreams and working actively to make them come true is key to living life to the fullest.

Not doing anything to achieve your dreams will turn them into a source of frustration. This is why you must turn your dreams into projects with an actionable plan no matter your goals and vision of your ideal life.

Having a clear direction in mind will help you enjoy the present moment and live your life to the fullest.

Having a plan and knowing why you’re working so hard every day will help you let go of negative emotions and have faith in your future.

Are you looking for tips to create your life plan? If so, this complete guide on how to write your first 3-year life plan will help you.

Create a morning and night routine

Creating routines has radically changed my life.

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It has allowed me to take small actions daily. And they have had a tremendous impact on my life. My morning and night routines last about 1 hour each.

Two hours a day may seem like a lot of time, but it actually only represents 8.33% of our time!

Can you take 8% of your time to change your life forever? Considering the average American spends 30 hours in front of the television every week, which is 17.86% of their time, I think the answer is yes!

My morning routine helps me wake up on the right foot and stay motivated all day long. My night routine is my reward after a long and productive day and helps me unwind.

Implementing routines will help you bring structure and clarity to your daily schedules, which greatly increases your productivity.


Decluttering is an important step to learning how to live life to the fullest.

Having fewer things around will help you redeem your space and eliminate distractions.

Taking the time to sort through your clutter will also give you a sense of accomplishment. It can be complicated to start decluttering as it usually brings up a lot of emotions. However, the more things you throw away/give/sell, the more relieved you will feel.

The average American owns 300,000 items. Yes, 300,000! No one needs that much stuff.

Physical clutter often translates into mental clutter. Living in a cluttered environment has a negative impact on your productivity and mental health. It also makes cleaning and tidying up a very fastidious chore.

Decluttering and letting go of things is important to take a fresh start.

Surround yourself with the right people

Another way to live life to the fullest is to surround yourself with positive people.

Our surroundings have an important impact on our lives. The bad vibes emitted by negative people are contagious. On the contrary, surrounding yourself with like-minded people is a great way to motivate yourself.

This does not mean that you have to erase from your life all people who think differently. On the contrary, it is important to surround yourself with people from different backgrounds to develop open-mindedness.

Nevertheless, don’t feel obliged to accept invitations from people you don’t like or people who don’t bring anything positive to your life.

This will leave you more time for things that really matter. And spending your time wisely is key to living your life to the fullest.

Spend quality time with your loved ones

Now that you know who is important in your life, spend more time with them.

By that, I mean quality time.

Time spent talking on social media or on the phone doesn’t count. Spending time with our loved ones will always be the best way to take our minds off things.

These moments are important, so schedule time for people you love no matter how busy you are.

These little moments will cheer you up and help you let go of bad emotions.

Acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them

Accepting the past and our mistakes is important to regaining control of our lives.

We learn to be more honest with the people around us and with ourselves by accepting our mistakes.

It is the first step towards reconciliation with ourselves. Learning from our mistakes is important, not to repeat them.

Finally, accepting responsibility for our mistakes will bring us more peace of mind.

You can’t change your past, but you can work on yourself to ensure you don’t repeat the same mistakes.

Instead of overthinking your past, set goals, enjoy the present moment, and do more things that make you feel happy.


Meditation and introspection are important steps in reconciling oneself.

Meditation will help you calm your mind, understand your reactions, and better manage the difficult moments in your life.

To create a life you will love, you need to understand your emotions and overcome your negative beliefs and fears,

You may not know how to begin if you have never meditated before.

Fortunately, some great apps can help you start. My favorite one is Headspace. This app offers many guided meditations to relieve stress, fall asleep faster and overcome insecurities.

Take care of yourself

If anxiety has taught me anything, it’s that it’s important to take time for yourself.

Anxiety calls for action.

Whatever “self-care” means to you, whether it’s reading a book, taking a bath, or working out, these moments are important to create a fulfilling life.

They allow you to reflect on the meaning you want to give to your life and your true purpose.

Do not hesitate to block some time for yourself in your planner. These little moments will help you have a more balanced life which is important no matter the goals you set for yourself.

Be smart with your money

Money is not the most important thing in life, but you need to be smart with your money to have some peace of mind.

Avoiding debt and saving money will allow you to make your dreams come true.

Who doesn’t dream of quitting their job to travel the world?

Or enjoy life every day and forget about payday?

To achieve this, you need to manage your finances wisely. The good news is that you can drastically improve your finances with simple tips.

Give back

You will never regret giving your time to a cause you care about.

It is a great way to broaden your perceptions of society and make you more aware of the world around you.

It will also help you stay grounded, appreciate your life, and learn more about yourself.

Finally, it is also a great way to meet new people and reconnect with others.

Volunteering gives us a sense of purpose which is incredibly satisfying and motivating.

Of course, you can also donate money, but I like to think that donating time is much more meaningful.

Be grateful

There is nothing more life-changing than starting to express gratitude. You can express gratitude for the things and people you have in your life.

Simply saying “Thank you” more often can improve your life and the lives of those around you. Expressing gratitude gives you good vibes. It also changes the way we see things.

You change your perspectives by focusing on the little things you are grateful for and expressing gratitude. This will make you more optimistic and give you a more positive view of the world around you. What more could you ask for?

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Enjoy every moment

We usually say that life is too short.

In reality, the problem is often that time passes too quickly. We must find a way to slow down time to enjoy every moment.

Yes, it is possible. All we have to do is to become aware of our daily habits and stop doing things mechanically.

The examples are endless. Why not stop using your phone during meals? Getting some fresh air outside or by the window after waking up? Taking a few minutes every night to read a book before going to sleep? Taking a short walk during your lunch break?

There are so many possibilities. Just add small activities throughout your day, and most importantly, do them with mindfulness.

Be aware of the passing time and the environment around you, and take the time to breathe. You will see that even in difficult moments, life is beautiful.

Final Thoughts

Most people do not take the time to live life to the fullest and make the most out of it.

However, creating a life you love is not that hard. There is no need to implement drastic changes overnight to transform your life.

All you need to do is get started with small daily changes. Sometimes, changing small habits you follow daily will have the biggest impact on your life.

To make sure you create a life you will love, take time to reflect, set goals and make small accomplishments every day.

It might seem hard at first, but you will quickly see your life turning around positively, and believe me, your future self will thank you for it!

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