100+ Fun Mother And Son Date Ideas (Try One Today!)


These mother son date ideas are perfect for when you have one-on-one time together with your favorite boy.

In my home, my husband and son share a lot in common. They love fishing, building, and fixing things. Me? Not so much.

But these mom and son dates remind us that we can spend amazing time together too, in a way that we both enjoy.

Toddler Mother Son Dates & Activities

First, these date ideas are perfect for mothers and their young sons.

1. Build a fort together

This doesn’t have to be hard, and you can make it inside or outside.

2. Set up an obstacle course

Use everyday objects to build an obstacle course in your backyard. You’ll both love getting creative! Plus, this idea is great for helping little ones use up their energy.

3. Create and play in a sensory bin

Grab creative sensory bin item ideas here >>

4. Have a bubble party

boy blowing bubbles: mom and son date night and day ideas, mum

You can do so many things with bubbles!

5. Make playdough creations together

My son used to love using his cars to haul play-doh for the things we would build.

6. Go out for ice cream

Try a new flavor together!

7. Visit a pet store or animal shelter

Pet the animals and talk about your favorites.

8. Redecorate his room together

Is it time for your big boy to have a room upgrade? Go to the store together and let him pick out new items.

9. Do a Scavenger hunt

printable image; free printable outdoor nature scavenger hunt for kids, preschool

10. Teach him something that helps you both

Teach your son good habits. This will help him be self-reliant and can be a great way to spend time together. Examples include:

  • Tie shoes
  • Put on clothes
  • Make breakfast

If you start to lose patience, choose another fun item on this list, and then come back to this!

11. Bake cookies + decorate

Themed cookie making is one of the best mother son date ideas for holidays.

12. Grab donuts for a breakfast date

If your kids are like mine, a trip to the donut shop is cause for excitement. They’ll love picking out their own donut.

13. Create puppets and do a puppet show

Who says you have to throw out those old socks?

14. Explore a new park

mom and sons, great outing date ideas

Every park is different, and you and your son will love the adventure of checking out a new location.

We also love doing this with new libraries!

15. Build a Lego set together

All my son ever wanted when he was little was for us to do legos together. Sometimes, quality time together doesn’t have to be complicated.

16. Race remote control cars

Build your own track first and then get racing!

Easy Mommy & Me Date Ideas

Whether your son is a toddler or older, these mother son date ideas are easy crowd-pleasers!

17. PJ Night

Surprise your son by spending a night acting as though it’s morning!

Eat breakfast for dinner, watch cartoons, make smoothies, or do whatever else you love to do in the morning.

18. Play truth or dare

19. Create chalk art in the driveway

20. Make a snack board and watch a movie 

Doesn’t get any easier!

21. Have a picnic in the backyard

Or in the living room.

22. Have a reading date

Make your own reading nook or throw blankets and pillows in the bathtub to make it special. Then, pick your favorite interactive kids books and snacks to enjoy while you read.

23. Do a puzzle with ice cream floats

This is an excellent mother son date for a quiet evening at home.

24. Read a book and watch the movie

good list of children's books made into kids movies

25. Play in the rain

26. Fly kites

27. Play never have I ever

Example: “Never have I ever eaten a bug.”

28. Have him make lunch for both of you 

What will he come up with? It will be his exciting surprise!

29. Draw self-portraits of each other

This will get interesting! You can also use Youtube video tutorials to draw these or other things. We love Art For Kids Hub.

30. Create a dance routine and perform for the family

31. Play would you rather

deep would you rather questions for kids about professions

Fun Indoor Mother Son Date Ideas

Is it a snowy or rainy day outside? Too hot to play? No problem! Enjoy these one on one dates for mom and son today.

32. Go to a bookstore and pick out a new book

65 best books for 8 year olds to read themselves

This is my favorite thing to do with my son! We love perusing and talking about book options, then we head for a bite to eat.

33. Have a nerf gun war

34. Game night

Pull out your favorite board games, teach him a card game, or try this charades for kids game.

35. Do a science experiment

Find easy science experiments here >>

36. Make a craft together

You can buy a kit beforehand, or see what you come up with using items you have on hand.

37. Living room sleepover

My kids love this! Use the pull out couch, or spread your sleeping bags on the floor for a late night. (You can also set a bedtime expectation beforehand if you don’t want to stay up late.)

38. Put on a debate

Kids love to express their ideas. So, why not teach him to consider opinions and communicate well. These debate topics for kids will help your son find interesting things to talk about.

39. Explore a new comic book store

40. Build something together

mother and son building, mother son date ideas for night or day

Use toothpicks and grapes, build with rocks, or get creative with your Legos.

41. Make and play with slime

Here’s a great slime recipe >>

42. Go bowling

43. Have a homemade pizza night

Go to the store together beforehand and let him pick out the ingredients he wants on his pizza.

44. Check out a Children’s Museum

45. Visit an aquarium

46. Laugh together

These articles are great for getting your son to giggle:

  • Best Jokes Books For Kids
  • Great What Am I Riddles – find the answer to the riddle above!
  • Easy and Hard Kids Tongue Twisters

47. Create vision boards together

Grab magazines and glue or print off of your computer to make a board that symbolizes your bright beautiful future together!

48. Make costumes and play superheroes

49. Test their knowledge and play trivia

Your son may especially love this Car Trivia (coming soon) and Star Wars Trivia Quiz >>

50. Play family feud

This is both easy to play, and TONS of fun! Try this kid friendly family feud game now.

51. Blind taste test

Before this mother son date, grab different foods at the grocery store. Then, blindfold each other and see if you can determine which food is which.

52. Teach him about money

good habits for kids and teenagers at home: money management

Open a bank account for your son and teach him about money, like saving up for something he wants and how “interest” works.

*For teens, go deeper! Talk about investing, credit, and ways for him to earn money outside of the home.

53. Visit a magic shop

Then, go home and create your own magic show!

Outdoor Mom Son Dates You’ll Love

These mother son day and night outings help you both get fresh air.

54. Picnic in the park

Make it extra special by grabbing fun food on the way.

55. Feed the ducks

56. Visit a petting zoo

57. Go to a splashpad or pool

mum mother and son date ideas, outing at the pool

Spend the afternoon getting wet and splashing with your little guy.

58. Go for a hike

59. Ride bikes

This is one of my favorite things to do with my 11-year-old son. We make it a challenge to see how far we can go.

Related: Best Family Challenge Ideas (coming soon)

60. Have a water balloon fight

61. Make tye-dye shirts outside

62. Plant a garden together

You can also spend a mother and son date night designing the garden, before you even plant it. –

  • What will you start from seed
  • What will you buy as plants?
  • Where will you put everything?
  • How will you take care of it?

63. Go berry/apple picking

64. Visit a skatepark

65. Catch lightning bugs and stargaze

66. Rake leaves and pile jump together

A perfect one for your fall bucket list.

67. Plan and do a Random Act of Kindness

Read one of these kids kindness books beforehand to get into the spirit.

Splurge Mother Son Date Ideas

These are for when you have something special to celebrate, or you want to make your mother son dates more memorable.

splurge mother and son date ideas for night or day, great for teens

68. Snag Concert tickets

Take him to see his favorite band.

69. Shopping spree at a toy or candy store

Set a spending limit beforehand, so that you both understand the boundaries.

70. Book a hotel room to swim and stay up late

This is a favorite in my house when we don’t have a vacation planned anytime soon.

71. Attend a Monster Truck show

72. Visit an amusement park

73. Attend a professional sporting event

74. Dress up and dine at a fancy restaurant

We’ve done this, and my son learned a lot about dinner table etiquette from watching people.

75. Driving range

Top Golf is a fun place to go and work on your swing.

76. Disney On Ice

77. Attend a festival

78. Yes Date

For a yes date, your son gets to decide whatever you two do together! Set limits if you need to beforehand, and then go with the flow.

Possible Limits: He chooses three things you say yes to, or it has to be within an hour’s drive, etc.

Teen Mother Son Dates & Ideas

Is your son older? These mother and teenage son date ideas are perfect!

mother and teenage son

79. Plan a Lazy Day

Teens will love this. But here’s the catch, mom has to participate too! Spend the day lounging with your teen, watching movies, playing video games, and enjoying life together.

80. Go out to dinner

Take him out for food he hasn’t tried yet. That Thai place down the street will get a new, intrigued customer.

81. Arcade 

82. Workout together

Your kiddo is old enough to break a sweat with you! Do a class, bike ride, walk, run, try boxing, or pick something else you will both enjoy.

83. Out for lunch during a school day

When we take our kids out of school for something, they are ecstatic. So, for this one special day, take your teen son out of school and spend time with him. You will both cherish the memories.

84. See a sporting game together

This can be a game at the high school or a big-time game. And it could simply mean that you follow the same team at home and watch all the games together.

85. Teach him your favorite card game

Spades anyone?

86. Laser tag

87. Go-cart

88. Work together in an escape room

89. Play a video game together

What’s his favorite? Let him teach you for an afternoon.

90. Teach him to make his favorite meal

mother and teenage son date ideas and outings

Does your son love pasta? Or meatball subs? Spend a mother son date teaching him how to make the food that gets his stomach rumbling.

91. Coffee date

Grab coffee (or hot chocolate) together and talk about life. Ask him deep questions to help him open up.

92. Go on roller coasters together

This might make you sick. But your son will remember it!

93. Do a movie marathon

There are so many amazing movie series that you can turn into mother son dates. Spend a weekend watching all the Avenger movies in order, Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings.

94. Volunteer together

You’ll both feel good after an afternoon of helping others. Try one of these:

  • Volunteer at a food kitchen or shelter
  • Pick up trash at your favorite park
  • Do a community service project through your church or nearby organization

95. Kids’ choice!

Like yes day, kids choice is a great way to discover what your son is into. Let him decide from this list what to do, and you’ll learn a great deal about your son.

96. Sushi night (mother teen son date ideas)

Make it together or grab it somewhere good.

97. Go shopping for his favorite accessory

Get your son new shoes, a cool hat, or something else he’s been eyeing.

98. Teach him to drive

Be brave!

99. Watch You-Tube and Tik-Tok videos together

100. Brainstorm the next family vacation and activities

Make a family bucket list together – where do you want to go? What do you want to do? It’s time to dream!

101. Play an icebreaker game

Try an ice breaker game for teens. For example, grab a bag of M&M’s and then tell something about yourselves according to the colors you have.

102. Play who is most likely

This game makes you laugh! Play who is most likely with multiple people or just the two of you. It’s a game you won’t soon forget!

Example: “Who is most likely to put an empty food box back in the pantry?”

Older Tween & Teen Boys Outdoor Ideas

Finally, these mother son date ideas get you and your teen boy outside.

boy smiling

103. Play mini golf

104. Try out the batting cages

105. Go camping or backyard camping

106. Fire Pit dinner date

Look up a fun camping dinner or just make s’mores for this cozy idea.

107. Play cornhole

Kids love outdoor games. So, it’s time to teach him your favorite.

108. Go canoeing or kayaking

109. Head out to the lake or beach for the day

Bring lots of snacks, drinks, and music to make it a day to remember!

110. Find a local frisbee golf course

Test your skills together.

111. Go fishing

To Consider With Mother Son Date Ideas

These mother son dates are all easy and fun. But remember: it’s not about the money you spend the effort it takes to set up and clean up activities. It’s about whether you are being in the moment with your child.

So, put away your phone and make the effort. You’ll never regret it!

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