The Art of Dating Yourself + 40 Self Date Ideas


Looking for some solo date ideas? You’ve definitely come to the right place.

If you’re bad at finding time to do all the things you love in life – have you thought about dating yourself? That’s right, embracing the self date!

It’s a concept that sounds interesting.

Sure, we go places by ourselves all the time. The grocery store, the mall, driving to pick someone up, but as I’m sure you’re thinking – these tasks are NOT a date!

What Does Dating Yourself Mean?!

Quite simply dating yourself means finding dedicated alone time to do something you love.

This means no interruptions!

Taking yourself on a self date means doing something…

  • fun
  • relaxing
  • thought-provoking
  • creative
  • active
  • crazy

…and you’re doing it all for you with only you.

If you’re the type of person who waits to do certain activities with others, but never gets to do them because other people aren’t interested, what are you waiting for?

Try a solo date or a self date as I like to think of it.

Before I get into some amazing dates you can take yourself on…

Why Is Dating Yourself The Best?!

  • You get time away from the craziness of home/work/life to cherish yourself and enjoy your own company. Need I really say more at this point?!
  • Dating yourself means you can try something new.
  • You don’t need to compromise for anyone. Do what you like!
  • You can complete items off your bucket list.
  • You can grow as an individual.
  • Going on a solo date means you are showing yourself love. This is good for you and the people around you.

How To Date Yourself: The Art Of Mastering The “Solo Date”

woman writing in journal outside by the lake

If you are wondering how to date yourself, here are some great tips to follow.

1. Dedicate a specific day and time for your date.

Put it in the calendar and make sure to follow through.

2. Alternatively, be impromptu!

If you find yourself with some free time, try ditching the laundry and go out for a couple of hours instead.

3. Choose a date idea that fits your current mood.

Stressed? Perhaps go for a pedicure and a long walk. Feeling like you need to expand your mind? Hit up the museum.

4. Don’t procrastinate.

Once you know what you’ll be doing, do it! Get out there and make it happen.

5. Have a mantra.

If you’re the type of person who isn’t used to (or comfortable) going to places on your own, try this little mantra.

Say it in your mind… ‘I am looking after myself and trying something new. I love myself and I deserve this’.

Now, let’s get these solo dates planned!

Wondering What To Do On A Date With Yourself?! 40 Self Date Ideas…

1. Bookstore And A Coffee

For those bookworms out there, when was the last time you had some good reading time in your favourite cafe?

First, go to a bookstore or library and get lost in the new reads all around you.

Take your time, look through potential books and enjoy your relaxed environment.

Once you make a selection or two, take yourself to a coffee shop or cafe, grab a drink and start turning those pages!

Tip: Stay for as long as you can. Immerse yourself in your book and do some people-watching at the same time ðŸ™‚


2. Cooking Class

If you’re someone who enjoys trying new foods and exploring in the kitchen, sign yourself up for a cooking class.

It could be a 1-day program where you make your meal and then enjoy eating it after, or perhaps it’s a weekly program. (I’ve done both but absolutely loved a number of weekly baking programs I did at a local culinary school).

Whatever your choice, doing a cooking class on your own is fantastic, as yes – you are attending solo, but you will still meet new people and learn some new skills.

And of course, there’s the luscious food you’ll be eating!!

There are also amazing accessible online cooking classes available through Masterclass. 

It’s such a cool idea and a great gift idea for yourself!

3. Spa Day

woman lying on massage table at the spa

This date doesn’t take much convincing! I ask you this though – have you done the proper spa experience?!

The kind of spa I’m referring to are spas that have therapeutic waters like these examples in the Toronto area:

They offer time in their waters plus the spas include everything you would expect – massages, pedicures, facials, etc.

Have a look in your area to see if you can find spas similar to this. If not, enjoy a treatment at your local nail salon or see a massage therapist.

You Can Also Create A Home Spa Experience:

Whether you want to save some money or you don’t have the time to dedicate to a full spa day, creating an at-home spa experience can be just as wonderful!

Here’s what I recommend:

  • Get out your essential oil diffuser (this is the one I use in my bedroom – cute and affordable)
  • Light some beeswax candles (which are natural and healthier than standard candles)
  • Try a face mask
  • Run a bubble bath 
  • Drink something you love (sparkling wine, green tea – the choice is yours)

Don’t forget to put on a robe or cozy loungewear for the true feeling!

If you want to go a step further get our a foot massager (we love this one in our home!) and enjoy.

4. Watch The Sunrise Or Sunset

We all have beautiful places not far from where we live.

What better way to enjoy our environment than being there when the sun comes up first thing in the morning, or when it goes down at night.

I have a park on the water near my house where the sun rises over my beautiful city.

As part of my quest to go on more dates with myself, I’ll be heading there more to see the glorious day wake up.

Think of where you can enjoy a sunrise/sunset and take yourself there with the goal to have some quality quiet time.

It’s a fantastic way to set yourself up for a positive day or to wind down at the end of the day to contemplate life.

5. Try A New Activity

We all have things in our minds or on our bucket lists that we want to try.

Why not make this activity your weekly date with YOU?!

I used to walk past a belly dance studio in my old neighbourhood for about a year with the thought that I’d like to try it one day.

Well, I finally signed up and enjoyed 6+ years of weekly belly dancing classes.

I did this for myself – to grow my self-esteem, to laugh, have fun and spend time with great women.

What do you want to do? Grab some inspiration from this amazing book on bucket list ideas and stop thinking about it or planning on doing it one day… do it today!

6. Try A Self-Date Picnic

Woman having a picnic

Take yourself on a picnic to a local park!

You can either pack a small lunch beforehand or purchase some food at a nearby cafe or grocery store.

Tip: I found these lovely insulated bags which are also perfect for the occasion.

Now your quest will be to find the perfect tree to enjoy your picnic under.

Here’s the best part: Once you’ve eaten you can have a nap, enjoy a book or listen to music.

7. Dinner & Wine

Who says you can’t make yourself a gorgeous dinner along with a glass of wine or 2?

If you know there is a night that you can arrange to be home alone, then treat yourself to a dish that only you love!

I do this whenever I get the chance. In my home, half of us don’t like fish so I don’t get to eat it very often. If I know I can be home alone one night I’ll make a healthy and delicious fish dish along with some great wine.

To make your evening even more perfect, you can sign up for a free trial of Amazon Fresh, then you can have your food delivered and pair your meal with a little Netflix binging and it’s the perfect night!

Need I say more?!

8. Walk & Flowers

This is one of my go-to self-dates. I love going on a long walk – sometimes through a new neighbourhood, a park or my own area.

This is a good time to do some thinking, a little exploring and of course exercise.

I follow this up by buying myself some flowers on the way home. After all, who says you have to wait for someone else to buy you flowers? Just do it for yourself!

If you did this date for yourself, where would you go?

woman at the museum

This is the ideal day out for anyone looking to do something new for themselves.

Find a museum, art gallery or outdoor exhibit and take it all in on your own. You can take as much time as you need or move quickly.

I love doing this by myself as I find most people move through museums at different speeds and it’s never fun to feel rushed or to be waiting on someone!

Finish the trip off with lunch at the gallery or museum restaurant or pick another location close by.

10. Take Yourself To The Movies

If you haven’t done this before, don’t be shy about going to the movies alone.

Here’s the deal, you don’t have to share the popcorn, you can watch whatever you like and sit in your favourite spot!

If you have done the movies on your own and love it – then take the time you need and go more often.

It’s a fun way to escape the everyday and just enjoy!

11. Do Something Adventurous

Skydive, bungee jump, learn to scuba dive, run a 10K, go paddle boarding.

12. Explore A New Neighbourhood

Discovering new places to go is always fun, so check out a new neighbourhood or even get to know your area more.

13. Go To A Farmer’s Market

This is one of my personal favourites. Farmer’s markets of course have an abundance of local produce but usually so much more – live music, BBQs, and picnic tables.

14. Check Out A Local Festival

This is a great way to have some fun time alone and there are so many festivals you can go to – art, music, cultural, food and so much more.

It’s the perfect way to discover a new area in your city or town too!

15. Sign Up For Dance Classes

I did this years ago when I signed up for belly dancing classes. It was so much fun, a great way to stay active and it was a great laugh!

Check out dance classes in your area and give it a try!

More Self Date Ideas

Since this post was originally written I have even more self-date ideas you can try ðŸ™‚

16. Spend Time In Your Garden

woman gardening

First, go to the garden center and then get your hands dirty in the garden. Plant a few new perennials or start your own vegetable garden.

17. Go to the Beach

You can do this any time of year. Bring a book, a coffee and a comfy chair and spend some quality alone time with some fresh air and beautiful views.

18. Have a Photography Self Date

If you’re an aspiring photographer, get out there and spend some time capturing stunning images.

Go to new places and practice taking photos that are different than what you’d normally take.

19. Go for a Workout and Smoothie Date

Or it could be a freshly squeezed juice! Whatever you love to do to get active make it extra special by giving yourself enough time to fully enjoy it.

20. Get Creative

woman painting on canvas

Book a painting or writing class and harness your creativity. You never know, you may also pick this up as a new hobby too.

21. Go Shopping

Whatever our shopping jam is (clothes, books, home decor) dedicate a solo date to a fun shopping trip.

22. Take a Mini Road Trip

The best part of a road trip is playing happy music in the car and stopping at some interesting places along the way (roadside burgers, antique stores, beautiful views).

The journey itself is fun, and who said you can’t do this alone?

23. Visit a Local Winery

Wine tasting – yes please! The best part of visiting a winery is not only wine tasting, but also seeing the beautiful vineyards, trying the artisanal treats and learning something new.

24. Redecorate a Room

This can be really satisfying, especially if you do it right.

Put on some music and get to work rearranging furniture, framing up some photos and sprucing up the room by painting your baseboards and trim.

25. Go for Brunch

Hit up a fun brunch spot and order all of your favourites. You can follow this up with a walk in the area.

26. Be a Tourist In Your Own City

Jump on a tourist bus, a guided walking tour or just visit some popular landmarks. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll learn about your own city.

27. Learn to Meditate

Try a meditation app like calm or Headspace and make it a whole experience. Play some soothing music and finish your session with some green tea.

28. Go On a Hike

Visit a national park to hit the trails and enjoy the great outdoors.

29. Visit a Local Botanical Garden

Not only will you get to see the landscape’s seasonal splendour but botanical gardens usually have events taking place as well – so check it out and enjoy!

30. Try Paddle Boarding

Look for a beginner class or 1-on-1 session in your area. It’s a wonderful way to be active and spend time on the water.

31. Go To An Art Exhibit

Check out your local art galleries and see what exhibits they have coming up. Buy tickets in advance and put this self-date in your calendar.

32. Watch a Local Baseball game

If you’re going for a walk in your neighbourhood and see a baseball game, make sure to stop and watch. Whether it’s little kids, teens or adults playing it’s such a wonderful activity to do in the spring and summer.

33. Take a Long Scenic Drive

If you ever have the opportunity to take the long way home, do it! You’ll most likely discover some beautiful spots along the way.

34. Do a Big Jigsaw Puzzle

If you want to spend some quality alone time with yourself, who says you have to leave the house? Get a big 1000 piece puzzle and make an afternoon of it.

35. Go for a Bike Ride

As adults we many times forget how much fun we had riding bikes as a kid. So, dust off your bike – or even buy a new or second-hand one to enjoy the season.

36. Take an Online Class

You can learn so many amazing things online – whether it’s to help in your job or to learn a new hobby. Here are my two top recommendations:

  • Masterclass to learn from the pros – food, music, business, writing and so much more
  • CreativeLive for all things creative – photography, graphic design, editing, hand lettering, music – the list goes on

37. Visit a Garden Centre

You can get inspiration for your spring planting, pick up some indoor plants and talk to the experts on how to plan your garden. Just being around the plants is a great stress reliever too.

38. Take a Pottery Class

So many neighbourhoods have pottery studios popping up, so check out their classes and get creative.

39. Go To The Theatre

Just like going to a movie, you don’t have to wait for someone else to visit the theatre. Make sure to check out some smaller theatres too – as their performances are just as good – even better at times and the price point is more affordable too.

40. Visit an Antique Market

The fun part about dating yourself is the exploring you can do. Enjoy checking out beautiful antiques and take as much time as you like!

Are You Going To Start Dating Yourself?!

confident young woman outside

As you can see there are a lot of fun things to do on your own. Dating yourself is certainly a great way to practice self-care.

So get out there and go on a self-date! It’s the perfect way to enjoy new hobbies, get some much-needed rest and relaxation and bring more balance to your life.

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