How to say I love you without using words? Learn 5 ways to show affection

 Words are of great importance, but everyone will agree that actions hide far more power. Saying “I love you” to someone is easy, but the stairs come when you need to show that love. How to bestow feelings on your other half without using words?

Adequate conversation and listening are fundamental in any relationship and at every stage of it. It is a signal that we are interested in the other person. Listening means that the partner is not indifferent to us. In addition, a sense of being understood by the other person is born.

People very often have bizarre ideas and different dreams. Support is much needed for us then and encourages us to take on challenges. Show your partner that you are next to them and offer your support. Such motivation will certainly give courage and energy to act.

let go of criticism and contempt
Constant criticism and showing contempt is just plain disrespectful. There are times when something doesn’t work out for us, but in such moments we need support and motivation to try again and gather strength. Clipping our wings only pulls us down to earth and we are unable to grow. In addition, criticism and contempt can very strongly lower self-esteem.

Gain distance
In a relationship with another person, we very often perceive our partner’s actions as intentional. However, this is not always the case. Each of us makes mistakes, and it is not always our goal to hurt our loved one. So acquire a little more distance.

Share a passion
Each of us has an activity that we love to spend time on. It could be cycling, swimming, reading books or cooking. However, it is important to mutually share your passion with your partner. This way we will show our interest, get to know our partner even better and spend time together.

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