80 Rules To Kick Ass In Life


Life can be daunting, challenging and overwhelming to keep tabs of all the experience it throws at us; the flickers of strength can be turned off by the electrocution of our fears, limitations and sometimes it can get hard scampering the streets for strength.

I have been dragging with a lot for the past few days, the ability to come to terms with failures, fears, uncertainty, grief, anxiety, depression, loss, and limitations can be destabilizing.

And in this downtime, I stumbled across a host of inspirational and truthful pieces about life which was too edifying for my eyes alone and so I will be sharing it with every single illuminator on this space.

The first empowering list is edifying snippets from the Instagram poet Yung_pueblo. Yung_pueblo has a stack of motivational and inspirational magic hanged on his page.

Some magical beings on Instagram have made the ‘space’ a shield in my distressing time. If you haven’t been following me on Instagram you can do that here as I will sharing a list of the most edifying poets, therapists, and writers on the online sphere. They share beneficial tools and words that can guide you through the most turbulent storms.

The second empowering list was organized and complied by Yehong Zhu on Quora as an answer given to a 25-year-old who felt like she was driving the wheels of failure by the adventures life took her through. Which we all have experienced at some point in life; we all get to the point of denial, retiring, magnifying our limitations through the lens of our dreams.

is so sad that we fail to understand and accept that the world is an adventure packed with magical experiences waiting to be discovered through every spark life sharpens in the distressing presence of fear, or the flames lit up when darkness engulfs our strength or billboards of failures raised by our actions.

We fail to realize that trying to control every aspect of life makes survival tough, you simply have to learn to enjoy the moment you are in currently and strike a balance between the lessons you take from each phase.

In a world that is changing and growing so quickly, inner calmness is your most valuable asset- the type of calmness that remains and stands firm no matter the struggle happening around you, the type of calmness that helps you breathe deeply and think clearly.

As you develop this positive mindset your mind becomes lighter, the trees look brighter, the air you breathe begins to feel like food for new opportunities and life takes on a crisper color pattern.

Ups and downs will continue to come and there’s still much to learn, but there’s now calmness in you that does not fear the old storms and helps them pass more quickly. A new awareness arises that gently reminds you that your power is yours to wield and is ready to propel you forward into deeper peace and liberating insight.

So my daring through the twist and turn, allow yourself to transform as many times as you need to be fully happy and free. Let go of the idea that life should always be smooth.

There will be some tension to overcome because our imperfections naturally create opportunities for new growth, deeper love, and greater awareness. So do not be blinded by the uncertainty rather shine in your sharpest and illuminate.

Be an explorer, unafraid to travel within the heart, mind, and depths of survival, ready to discover new spaces to heal – releasing burdens and planting wisdom wherever awareness takes you.

Through the storm and turbulence, let these rules and lessons guide you as you take charge.

Snippets From Yung_Pueblo

1.  First, Things To Remember During Moments Of Inner Turbulence And Tough Emotion; Do not hide from what you are feeling:

  • This current discomfort is not permanent.
  • Rest is an important way to calm the mind.
  • The struggle can be a space of deep growth.


2.  Essentials for tough days

  • Do not punish yourself.
  • Give yourself ample kindness.
  • Remember that all things change.
  • Make sure that you get a good rest.
  • Do things that will calm your mind.
  • Accomplish smaller goals that day.
  • Real acceptance can remove blocks.
  • This is the time to practice patience.
  • Growth can come with tough moments.
  • A bad moment doesn’t equal a bad life.


3.  Don’t run away from heavy emotions, honor the anger, give pain the space it needs to breathe- this is how we let go.

4.  Do not judge yourself by the first impulse that pops up in your mind, that is just a copy of who you were in the past. What you decide to do is who you are now and influences who you will become in the future remember. Pause, Think and Act.

5.  Taking a moment to figure out how you feel instead of letting old patterns decide for you is one of the most authentic things you can do.

6.  Seeing the success of another, feeling inspired instead of jealous.
Being consistent with the practices that help you know/love yourself.
Knowing that allowing yourself to change is part of being genuine and the truest form of emotional maturity.

7.  You cannot erase memories but you can let go of the heavy energy that is attached to them.

8.   Love is not I will give this to you if you do this for me, love is I will give this to you so that you may shine.

9.  Being okay with ‘not being okay’ helps you let go.

10.  If they make you feel rejuvenated after hanging out with them, give them more of your time.

11.  Things come together more smoothly when you catch yourself before getting caught up in comparing/craving/forcing and instead redirect your energy into gratitude, letting go and calm productivity.

12.  A ‘Successful’ life is created with two words; Yes and No.
Have the courage to say yes only when it feels right to you and no to old patterns that don’t serve you.

13.  With that said, set healthy personal boundaries.

14.  All mental tension comes from not letting go.

15.  Real maturity is noticing your inner turbulence and pausing before you project how you feel onto what is happening around you.

16.  Don’t trust the way you see yourself when your mind is full of turbulence.

17.  How to lead yourself equates developing a relationship with your intuition, having the courage to follow its guidance.

18.  Find the balance between loving without attachments and not letting people harm you.

19.  Your emotional history affects your daily behavior; letting go of these patterns allows you to think and act in new ways.


Yehong Zhu On Quora

1.  Understand that life is the ultimate video game: It keeps leveling up, and you have to level up with it.

2.  Do something well enough that you make it look easy. Even if it takes 10,000 hours to get there, it’ll be worth it in the end.

3.  Figure out what your values are and stick with them.

4.  Kindness is a scarce and valuable resource. Cherish it.

5.  Be observant. From cover letters to conversations, the devil, as they say, is in the details.

6.  Fear is the number one thing holding you back from what you want to do. Be brave enough to follow your heart. Not enough people will be.

7.  Trust your gut. When your spidey sense is tingling, pay close attention. Somehow it knows better than you do when something is right or wrong.

8.  Try not to use people as a means to an end. They can tell. So can you.

9.  Most of the time, people are not trying to hurt you on purpose. Usually, their actions are driven by self-interest, not malice.

10.  Give people a second chance, if they deserve one.

11.  Insecurity is a bi*ch; it bleeds onto everything and can come out in unexpected ways. Be careful with your insecurities and especially careful with those of others.

12.  The easiest way to be happy is to not be outcome-dependent.

13.  The best relationships are like fine wine: They get better and better over time.

14.  You have to have a reason for being. If your why is strong enough, then your how will fall into place. You will figure out a way.

15.  If you’re wondering why it’s so important to do what you love, it’s because work takes up so much of your life. The vast majority of your most productive waking hours will be spent at work, so in order to love your life, you have to love what you do for a living.

16.  The main difference between billionaires and normal people is that billionaires understand that the world is pliable, and most rules are not set in stone.

17.  Don’t be too attached to the brand. The best time to join Facebook was when it was a startup in a college dorm room.

18.  Anything worth doing in life is risky.

19.  Take the risk.

20.  Whether you realize it or not, you send unconscious signals when you’re not paying attention. Pick up on the cues of others, and watch out for the cues you’re sending.

21.  First impressions matter, but reputations are built over a lifetime.

22.  You won’t know what someone is really made out of until you see how he or she reacts in a difficult situation.

23.  Skill sets are hard to develop. Like anything else in life, they require quite a bit of work. If you want to become good at something, figure out the best time to start. Usually, that time is now.

24.  Work hard.

25.  But always make time to play.

26.  Gratitude is everything. A first-class postage stamp on a thank-you card is the cheapest possible way to improve anyone’s image of you.

27.  The most successful people in life are salespeople and actors.

28.  The universe is made of stories, not of atoms. The ability to persuade people and craft a narrative and tell your story will get you further than any skill you could develop in your life.

29.  Follow up, always.

30.  The best career move at every juncture is the one that moves you closer to your dreams, not anyone else’s.

31.  Speaking of dreams, make sure you’re living your dream — not anyone else’s.

32.  While it’s tempting to use others as a heuristic for yourself, there is no comparable heuristic for yourself. You are the only you that exists. Sometimes you will have to make your own decisions.

33.  Your ability to think on your feet will be your saving grace. Develop off-the-cuff responses to questions, and learn how to react to situations as they are thrown at you. This will come in handy time and time again.

34.  No matter what happens, you will be OK. Believe it or not, things usually have a tendency of working out.

35.  Eat delicious food. Smell the beautiful roses.

36.  Limit your material belongings. The more stuff you own, the more your stuff will own you. Make sure you can fit your life in a suitcase.

37.  Traveling makes your life seem longer. Each experience in a foreign place will feel more heightened, more interesting, and more spontaneous than it would be somewhere familiar.

38.  The best memories bend space and time because you will spend most of your waking hours reliving them.

39.  This is true for your worst memories as well.

40.  The first time you meet someone new, see if you can withhold judgment until you can get to know him or her better. People will often surprise you.

41.  Life will throw you for a loop when you least expect it. Hang on tight!

42.  The 80/20 rule is so real. It states that roughly 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes, and it applies to literally everything.

43.  Keep in touch with people you think are interesting, even if they’re a million miles away. You never know when your paths might cross again.44.  Reach out to people whose writing you like. Writers are always an interesting bunch.

45.  If you admire someone and can guess his or her email address, drop the person a note.

46.  Contact as many people as you possibly can to schedule informational interviews and coffee chats, especially people who are doing things you want or might want to do.

47.  Weigh the opinions of people according to their experience and credibility. Only take advice from people you wouldn’t mind trading places with.

48.  Always try to do the right thing, even if it’s not convenient, even if it’s not easy. Especially if it’s not easy.

49.  Compromise where you can. Where you can’t, don’t. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look everyone in the eye, and say no.

50.  Attitude is everything. Timing is everything else.

51.  People who go through adversity in their lives tend to be much more interesting than people who don’t. They have a certain depth of character that others won’t have.

52.  Success often happens at random, and failures can often be a lot more instructive. Sometimes you have to trip doing your first pirouette to get it right the next time when it’s really time to dance.

53.  The deeper you go into any industry, the more your world shrinks. After you pass a certain threshold of competency in your field, you are two degrees of separation away from anyone you want to meet.

54.  Once you start climbing ladders, your world shrinks to the next rung. Before you take that first step, make sure it is a ladder you want to climb.

55.  From college admissions to office politics, most things in life are games. If you decide to play games, take the time to learn the rules first, even if you end up not following them.

56.  Develop a 99.99 percent accurate bulls–t detector. It’s one of the most useful technologies you could possibly invest in.

57.  You will never have perfect information before you make a major decision. But talk to enough sources, and try to get as close as you can within reason.

58.  Your contacts might get you a job, but true friends will go to the end of the earth for you. You’ll need both to go far in this world.

59.  Self-confidence comes from the accumulation of successes. You’ll need confidence to do anything worthwhile in life, so start accumulating successes early, and start small.

60.  Life is short, and death is the great equalizer. Do everything you want to do while you can. There’s no time for anything else.

61.  The world is yours. Go forth and conquer. 

Before you leave, here are some final thoughts to savor on

What you see is often your projection, what is soft can also be powerful, persistence can break barriers, and change is always happening.

Happiness is not getting everything you want or controlling the things around you- happiness is the freedom that comes when you stop constantly craving for more and when you can embrace change without fear.

Until another time my friend do well to explore this space and reach out to me if you ever need anything that I could be of help- Love and light!

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