15 Signs Of Confidence In A Woman


The signs of confidence in a woman are those traits that make a woman turn heads and stand out from others. These traits should be found in any woman that seeks to challenge the status quo and create a world for herself.

While it is true that confidence shows in how a woman appears to outsiders, it is more than that. Confidence is not performative, but it is a trait that is built from the inside.


If you have not worked on your mind, you cannot exhibit confidence on the outside. So, in this article, we will show you some traits that show a woman is confident.


15 Signs Of Confidence In A Woman

1.  She Is Not Afraid To Say No

One of the signs of confidence in a woman is the ability to be assertive. A confident woman is not a woman who is always agreeable and who can always be swayed by different opinions.

She is not out to please people; instead, she does what is right and what is consistent with the values she holds dear. Unfortunately, many women have the habit of just going with the flow.

They are afraid of being seen as troublesome. But this does not matter to a confident woman. Continuously agreeing to every suggestion and plea is a trap.

Another reason some women find it hard to say no is because they tend to feel guilty afterwards. But saying no is just as crucial as being helpful to people.

Sometimes you have to choose what you want to focus on, and a confident woman knows how important this is.


2.  She Takes Responsibility

A confident woman does not play the victim. Women without confidence always have someone or something to blame for why their lives are not going well. They do not believe they are responsible for how their lives turn out.

But one of the signs of confidence in a woman is the ability to recognize that success in life is not a gift. It is earned. And so, they rise up, take responsibility for their lives and start doing the needful.

They don’t wait around for help or favors, nor do they rely on promises. What they do is put in the work. Another sign of confidence in a woman is the ability to take responsibility for her actions.

A bold woman does not seek to apportion blame when she is wrong or makes mistakes. Instead, she owns up to her errors and seeks ways to remedy the situation.


3.  She Has A Mind of Her Own

A confident woman is strong-willed. She hardly follows the crowd. She does not venture into a business simply because she sees others doing the same.

She launches into a business because she sees potential and believes she can excel there. This kind of woman possesses a can-do spirit and is not moved by pessimism.

She is not afraid to start things; she is not scared to be a trailblazer. A perfect example of this kind of woman is Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to the US Congress.

When women in her generation were taught to aim for support roles, she aspired to be something more. She ventured into politics, won, and helped form policies that gave women and black people better lives.

As a result, Shirley became the first black person to run for the American presidency. She said: “I felt that the time had come when a black person or a female person could and should be president of the US-not only white males. So I decided somebody had to get it started.”

Even though she did not become president, she showed black people they could. Having an independent mind is one of the signs of confidence in a woman.


4.  She Is Keen On Helping Others

signs of confidence in a woman

A confident woman is not threatened by the success of others. Many people, men and women alike, are not keen on helping others succeed because they feel the people they support would grow to surpass them.

So, instead of giving people pointers on how to do well, they sabotage and put others down instead of helping them climb the social or career ladder. One of the signs of confidence in a woman is knowing that helping people is a fulfilling role.

It brings satisfaction and true joy. A confident woman knows that true happiness does not lie in the relentless pursuit of self-serving goals but also in the little ways one can help set others up.

A confident woman is a mentor who is not against letting others shine. She knows that others shining does not make her shine less brightly. So, if you want to feel fulfilled and confident about your contributions to life, you must also help others succeed.

5.  She Puts Herself First

It is not uncommon in many cultures for women to be encouraged to be selfless, to always think about and put others before themselves.

A woman is expected to be a mother and put her children first, and also expected as a wife puts her husband first.

While this is commendable, it is essential to know that choosing yourself as a woman is okay. It is okay to say no to things and people that can stall your progress.

One of the signs of confidence in a woman is the ability to strike a balance between helping others and helping herself. She does this by prioritizing all she needs to do and ensuring that anything that makes it on her list is essential.

Next is knowing which task to do herself and which to delegate to others. And lastly, know when to accept or reject extra tasks.

6.  She Does Not Compare Herself With Others

Comparison is the killer of self-esteem, so confident women don’t engage in comparison. They do not want anything that will affect their self-esteem.

They know that every individual’s journey is different, so there is no basis for comparison. Some women focus on what others have, their clothes, cars, and the kind of men they move around with. A confident woman does not focus her attention on others.

Instead, her gaze is focused on her goal and how much she can achieve with her time. She knows that if she focuses on the grass on her neighbor’s lawn, the grass on her own lawn will be untidy.

So, instead of looking at others, a confident woman accepts the position she finds herself in and works hard to get the kind of life she wants.


7.  She Makes Plans Before Taking Action

One of the signs of confidence in a woman is the ability to plan. A confident woman does not just dive thoughtlessly into things.

Instead, she takes time to evaluate the problem or task and then looks for solutions that will help her tackle that problem.

A confident woman does not head into the day clueless about what she wants to achieve. For her, she does not accept anything less. Anything that is not consistent with her goals and plans is discarded.

Some women are unsure of what they want to do in life. There is no intentionality about how they live.

And this is what makes a confident woman different from the rest. Planning can increase your chances of success and even enhance your confidence.

Confident women know that planning helps make faster decisions, so they do not proceed to do anything they have not adequately planned for. A confident woman does not wish. She plans.


8.  She Is Constantly Learning

signs of confidence in a woman

One thing that significantly differentiates today’s world and two centuries ago is simply knowledge. We know more now than our ancestors. And this trend is not about to stop. Those who are coming after us will eventually know more than we do.

This is because new knowledge emerges daily, and those who learn or hop on this knowledge keep improving. Conversely, those who cannot learn are eventually left behind.

A confident woman cannot be left behind, and this is because she is constantly learning and evolving. She is always picking up new knowledge, applying them and getting results.

Learning for her does not stop within the four walls of a school but also the ones she can pick up from reading and observing the world around her.

A confident woman takes online courses, attends seminars, and gets certifications to improve herself and create more value wherever she finds herself. This constant quest for knowledge is one of the signs of confidence in a woman.


9.  She Is Optimistic

Optimism is one of the traits confident women have. It is the hopefulness and confidence about the future and the success of a task. Without optimism, the world would be a gloomy place.

No one would be willing to take risks because no one believes it would work out. Optimism powers our world; without it, the Wright brothers, who built the first aircraft, wouldn’t have bothered.

People won’t study, research, or create because they don’t think it would be successful or add meaning to life. A confident woman brims with hope. When others see gloom, she sees opportunity.

While others get comfortable, she works hard to ensure her dream comes to a realization. She has the ‘I can’ spirit. Her hope for her goals and a better future is not for her benefit alone. She spreads this hope to those around her.

10.  She Is Reliable

You can count on a confident woman. She is not someone who is known for disappointments. You cannot bet against her and win.

Everyone wants to have people they can confidently rely on, which is one of the signs of a confident woman.

People see you as a confident person if you are reliable. Here is a breakdown of how confident women build reliability status: Reliable women are careful with making commitments.

They do not agree to take up every task brought by anyone. They choose the tasks they know they can deliver and promises they can keep. They do not overestimate their abilities, which sometimes leads to disappointments.

Confident women are always truthful. They do not flatter or deceive. With them, what you see is what you get. A confident and reliable woman will not lie for favors or stand against the truth for personal gains.

Neither do they cheat people just to get by. They have great value for time. This is not just a trait of confident women; it is a trait people should emulate to be great.

They are conscious of time, knowing when to relax and play and when to get to work. They know better than to waste someone’s time, and you better not waste theirs too.


11.  She Has A Bold Carriage

One of the signs of confidence in a woman is the boldness in her carriage. She does not cower for anyone. However, this doesn’t mean she is not respectful.

She pays her dues and gives respect to whom respect is due, but she does not stoop for anyone to walk over her. She will not cower or be intimidated into closing her mouth and not saying what she has in mind.

A confident woman knows what she wants and goes for it. But it does not stop at knowing what she wants; she finds a way to let the people around her know what she wants.

Unfortunately, so many people are where they are today not because they are not talented to move higher but because they lack the boldness to sell themselves, to sell their dreams to the right audience.

What do you want to achieve? What do you need help with? Then, it is time to start meeting with the relevant stakeholders and pitching your ideas to them.

Be bold to share your brilliant ideas with your boss, break out, and create your own business. Life will not hand over anything to anyone; you must actively demand it.


12.  She Is Disciplined

signs of confidence in a woman

A confident woman knows that nothing falls on her lap. She knows she has to work hard for things to work for her. She has to put in time and effort to reach success.

It is not lost on her, too, that she has to be disciplined to succeed in meeting a goal. So, that is why she shows up every day on that Instagram page she is building to deliver content.

Feelings have nothing to do with it. It does not matter if she feels like creating content that day. She goes right ahead to do it. One of the signs of confidence in a woman is the ability to make the necessary sacrifices.

First, she counts the cost of whatever project she wants to start. Then, she pinpoints the challenges she would face and the things she would have to do without. And then face the challenges.

If her goal is to keep fit, you will see the discipline, dedication and consistency in her diet and workouts. If she is training for a competition, you see her practice daily because she knows practice makes perfect.

A confident woman is a woman who has her eyes on the goal and is not willing to entertain any distractions, whether they come as people or as things.


13.  She Gives No Time To Gossip

Women have always been viewed as people who waste time gossiping. In fact, most people consider it a regular thing for women to spread rumors and stories. It does not matter whether they are true or not.

A confident woman has no time for gossip. She is more interested in ideas. All she wants to hear or share are ideas that can make her succeed and excel.

To avoid gossip, a confident woman does not randomly give away her personal information. She keeps the information about herself and others private. Her marital issues do not come up as topics for discussion.

She also does not stay around when people are dissecting the lives of others. Instead, she ensures that her relationships with her co-workers and neighbors are cordial and light.

All conversations are strictly pleasantries or necessary information about work. Finally, when she has an issue with someone in the neighborhood or at work, she approaches the person so they can talk it out civilly.


14.  She Is Not Afraid Of Being Alone

A confident woman is not afraid of being alone. Confident women know that humans need to associate with one another. They know that many people thrive and get validation by being part of a group.

A confident woman stands her ground no matter what. Once she is convinced that she is on the right path and that what she is standing for is consistent with her values, she does not shake.

She does not need the cheer of the crowd. She stands for the truth and for the weak. She does not look away at the face of injustice. And what’s more? It does not matter if she has support or not.

Even in her personal life, a confident woman does not stay in a relationship that belittles her or makes her feel less. And while many are afraid of ending up single and alone, she keeps to herself till she finds someone worth sharing her life with.


15.  She Takes Criticism Well

Getting criticized can put even the best of people off guard and get them to question their abilities. As a result, some people take criticism personally.

But one of the signs of confidence in a woman is the ability to spot the distinction between constructive and destructive criticism. When a confident woman receives destructive criticism, she does not take it to heart.

She throws it away and moves on with her life. She does because she knows that it was meant to hurt. So she takes the stones thrown at her to build.

When she receives constructive criticism geared at making her better, she does not discard it. First, she pays proper attention to know what needs to be worked on. Of course, criticism would always hurt the ego, but she does not hate the messenger.

When people receive criticism, some attack the person who gave them feedback or even question the person’s ability. But a confident woman asks questions that break down the complaint and even asks for pointers on how to improve.


How Can You Tell If A Woman Is Confident?

signs of confidence in a woman

So, how can you tell if a woman is confident? You can tell a woman is confident if you see the following traits in her:

1.  Self-Reliance: It is not uncommon to see women who depend on others for survival. Either they are dependent on their parents or on their spouse. But this is not the same for a confident woman.

A confident woman does not wait for favors. She knows what she wants and goes for it. Again, she knows she can rely on her abilities more than on people’s promises.


2.  Willingness To Learn: Many people mistake arrogance for confidence, but the two differ. An arrogant person is unwilling to learn. They are not teachable. But the reverse is the case for a confident woman.

You can see her eagerness to learn and to improve daily. She takes masterclasses, signs up for seminars and reads. She submits to the guidance of a mentor just to scale herself up.


3.  Strong Will: it is impossible to be a confident woman without having a strong will. Confidence and being strong-willed go hand in hand. A confident woman knows that she must fight for some things before getting them.

And that does not discourage her. On the contrary, she will go through the jungle of life if that is what it will take to reach her goals.


4.  Generosity: A confident woman knows that sometimes life gives more than she asks for. She knows that others coming after her do not need to struggle as she did.

And so she helps out in any way that she can, either by providing mentorship, opportunities or resources. To learn how to build your confidence and be one of the most confident women,


Signs Of Self-Confidence

signs of confidence in a woman

Below are some of the signs of self-confidence in a woman:

1.  She Does Not Care About What People Say

Many people have stopped dead in their tracks because they feared what people would say. They did not take that giant step in their career because they were craving the validation of those around them.

A confident woman does not wait for people to approve of her decisions. She knows what is best for her, and she does just that. This does not mean she doesn’t seek or value other opinions, but she knows that her image matters first and foremost.


2.  A Confident Woman Does Not Put Others Down

This is one of the admirable traits of a really confident woman. She knows she would not take it lightly when someone tries to put her down, so she would not do such to someone else.

A confident woman knows the sky is big enough for many stars to shine. She does not want to shine alone. She is not interested in putting out the light of others because she knows hers won’t shine brighter if she does. So, instead, she helps people rise.

3.  A Confident Woman Does Not Stay Down

Life can happen to anyone and take them off balance. It can hit you so hard that you wonder if it was a conspiracy. Unfortunately, even a confident woman does not always have it rosy.

Sometimes the hands she uses to pick roses pick thorns instead. Sometimes she falls. But the thing about her fall is that she does not remain where she had fallen.

Instead, she rises up to be bigger and better. Challenges do not stop her; instead, they fuel her.


4.  A Confident Woman Doesn’t Get Pushed Around

One of the signs of self-confidence in a woman is the ability to stand up for herself and the values she believes in. No one can make her hide away or shake with fear.

She is not afraid to stand by her decisions. And would not readily change her mind once it is made up.



The signs of confidence in a woman are those characteristics that make her stand out from her peers. They are the qualities that any woman who wants to be bold has to imbibe to face the world.

It is important to note that the confidence people see outside reflects the confidence inside. It is not easy to always show confidence. But with dedication, one can learn how to be bold and display confidence.

Just like people practice to get better at a sport or activity, you have to practice to also get better at being confident.

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