10 Girl Boss Habits To Copy If You Want To Change Your Life


“Remember, being the boss girl is more of a lifestyle than it is a habit. So, as much as you can, my dear, live it.”

Ladies, get in here!

I have figured that the older you get, the easier it is to figure out what you are doing right and what you aren’t. Every lady goes through that stage where they are confused as to the steps to take to earn the respect they deserve. So, I am dedicating this article to women who are doing the best they can to be their selves.

As a woman, you naturally radiate grace. You carry with you a natural aura of excellence that cannot be resisted by anyone. Your femininity is worth being respected and adored. The earlier you realize this, the better for you. While as a woman, you naturally get to enjoy this, you also have the ability to make things not work out for you.

You are a boss and it’s best you realize that. However, realizing it is not enough. You also need to breathe it, talk it, walk it and live it.

It’s dangerous if you do not live it. Why? Not living that boss girl life would make people disrespect you. So, to avoid being disrespected, in this article, I will be sharing 10 boss habits that you can copy if you want to change your life.

I know this sounds a lot but you don’t have to feel overwhelmed by these steps. At the end of this article, I have attached a 30 day challenge you can embark on that is guaranteed to massively improve the quality of your life

Grab a bar of chocolate and enjoy the ride…

1.  They Sleep Like A Boss

 boss girl, you should know how to rest properly. It’s ok to be hardworking and be at the top of your game but you also need to realize that there is a place for resting. A boss lady knows how to take care of herself. About three years ago, it was hard for me to even get four hours straight of sleep.

Why? I had a lot on my neck. I was busy with my academics, training to be a big blogger and trying to be a good person in my relationships. For many months, I would sleep really late and wake up early to start another day of intense hard work. In no time, it started to tell on me.

My body starts to revolt and I began losing the energy to be productive. The moment I realized what was wrong, I took a decision never to allow anything to interfere with my time of rest. And ever since then, things have changed.

2.  They Don’t Give Room For Procrastination

s a boss girl, you need to be up and doing. Give no room for anyone to downplay you. You are a boss and until you show it, you will never get the respect that you deserve. One of the things that can get in your way of showing that you are a boss is procrastination.

For years, is struggled with this problem. I was used to pushing the things I could do at the moment to a later moment. Of course, this took its toll on my level of productivity.

My efficiency level started to crumble and it seemed like I was beginning to lose “boss” title I had tagged myself. It took a while to figure what was wrong but I did after a long time and eventually, things worked out fine. Today, I can proudly say that I have overcome procrastination.

You can be like me too. Make a deliberate decision to whoop procrastination’s bum! Of course, it won’t be easy but with proper guidance, you would pull through.

3.  They Find Something Learnable From Everything That Happens To Them

Just like everyone else, you are going to be faced with challenges. The challenges will have the potential to make or mar you. The beautiful thing however, is that you get to decide if you want the challenges to make you or to mare you.

One of the things you can do to boss up is learning to see the positive aspect of everything. Ensure that you find a learning moment in everything that happens to you. No matter how tragic the situation you are facing is, there is always something to learn.

From experience, I know it is quite easy to get mixed up in the cloud of tragedy and drown in the river of sympathy but, if you want to be a boss, you have to pick yourself up by finding something learnable in your moments of sadness.

 They Plan

A boss lady plans ahead. She is fully aware of the tasks in her hands and is always prepared to take up challenges. A lady who fails to plan indubitably plan to fail. Boss ladies are always prepared to take on whatever challenge life flings at them.

Granted, every lady is faced with a lot, but these things won’t hit you so much if you know how to plan. So, ladies, as you go on with your daily activities, stay prepared and plan. If you can implement this in your life, you would naturally be oozing the aura of a boss lady.

5.  They Prioritize Self-Care

Generally, happy people know that one of the important things in life is health – mental, emotional and physical- so they do not joke with it. As a boss lady, your health is paramount and you should never joke with it.

How do you do that? You invest a lot of time and money in making sure that you are the best you can be.

Even if you are low on cash, there are many things you can do to ensure that your self-care is intact. Regarding your mental health, try to be analytical of the people around you. Is there anyone who is not good for your mental health? Do not waste time in cutting them off. You can start a work-out routine to keep your physicality in shape.

In summary, do whatever you can, to ensure that your mental, emotional and physical health is kept in check.

They Let Go Of Their Grudges

Boss ladies know that resentment hurts the person who resents more than the one who is at the receiving end so, they do not allow their hearts to hold grudges. I know that sometimes, it could be hard to let go of the hurt that someone has done to you.

So, it’s easy for the bitterness to stick to the annals of your heart. But you have to realize that you are bigger than whatever hate you might want to keep in your heart. You are more than that anger. So, let the hate go. Do not give that bitterness a chance.

You are a queen and nothing can stop you from exhibiting your royal nature. So, when next someone tries to piss you off, ask yourself if it is even worth it, 99% of the time, it isn’t. So, let it go like a boss lady would.

7.  Have A Budget

 a boss lady, our financial intelligence has to be top-notch. You are not expected to spend foolishly. One common trait every boss lady has is independence, or the constant crave for it. You cannot be financially independent if you do not discipline your financial life.

You have to ensure that you constantly put yourself within a budget. Being within a budget saves you from a lot of embarrassment. I have met people who are strongly against having a budget because they think it is being stingy to yourself. This is a blatant lie.

Living within a budget does not mean that you are stingy, neither does it mean that you are broke. It is rather a signal of your financial intelligence. Asides having a budget, it is important to also save. So, as much as you can, do well to save and invest in things that will be beneficial to your life.


8.  Adopt Affirmation

In my journey as a personal development writer and enthusiast, I have figured that affirming positive things to yourself does a lot. On pages 90 and 91 of The Life Compass, I carefully wrote out some affirmative words that you can say to yourself on a daily basis.

Never allow yourself to be pushed down. You are deserving of all the beautiful things life has to offer. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise or make you feel inadequate.

I used to feel grossly low ad inadequate and at times, it would seem that I wasn’t doing enough being myself but that changed the moment I started practicing positive affirmations.

I would wake up in the morning stare at myself in the mirror, and tell myself positive words. I realized that as I constantly did this, things started to change and in a short while, I began to see myself in another light, a better light. 

9.  Make SMART Goals

boss lady quotes

As I have earlier stated, boss ladies know how to plan. They do not wait for things to come to them, they reach out to get their goals crushed. Now, another thing that boss ladies know how to do is to make SMART goals.

What are SMART goals? SMART goals are goals written down while considering the following factors:

A boss lady puts these things into consideration when writing down her goals or setting her goals. They do not allow just anyone to determine their goals for them.

They sit down and have a circumspective look at what they would like their lives to be like in the nearest future. And the moment they are able to figure that out, they write out their goals and ensure that they are in line with the SMART template.


10.  Network

how to be a boss babe

A boss lady knows how to network pretty well. She is not shy to tell the world what she does for a living. She carries her shoulder up high and shows that she is proud of who she is. So, as a boss lady, you should not be scared of networking.

Go to that meeting, walk up to that top gun and let them know who you are. One truth you must come to terms with is that as nobody can blow your trumpet like you can.

You are the only one in charge of your success and if you do not let the world know what you are capable of doing, you will be caged in the world of inferiority. So, next time you go out there, do not be afraid of giving your card out and telling people about yourself. You are a boss and you need to start acting like one.

So, there you have it! 10 amazing boss girl habits you can copy to change your life. Feel free to hit me up through the comment section. How are you doing living your girl boss life? Which of these habits are you already practicing? Which of them would you like to imbibe? Let me know your thoughts!



Hey there! Thank you for reading my article. Let’s put what you’ve learned so far into practice, shall we? Flip to the 19th page of The Life Compass Workbook and fill in the blanks. Be thorough and real with yourself.

I believe that you have learnt a thing or two. As always, personal development is a must if you want to advance in life. So, by all means, do not joke with it. Do not forget to get a copy of my books and leave your reviews. I am super grateful for your support so far. Keep creating magic.

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