Signs that this man does not love you and it is better to end the relationship

It is known that men can love, but stubbornly pretend to be indifferent. And vice versa. So the choice is ours – to pretend that everything is fine and live in illusions or pay attention to those signs that indicate that the man is completely indifferent to us.

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If your beloved truly loves you, he will never hide his plans from you

As American comedian and writer Steve Harvey noted, men always have a plan. Remember this always. If he loves you, he will “see” your future together.

Lack of clarity means lack of future

If a man doesn’t say or, more importantly, show in any way what he wants, then it’s more than obvious that he doesn’t see a future with you. No, don’t kid yourself – he’s not too shy. He just doesn’t love you. He’s a grown man who can say whatever he wants and clearly just doesn’t want to be with you.

If a man is indifferent to a woman, he won’t waste time with her

Why would he risk it? Would you waste your time on someone you don’t care about? Of course not.

He’s not confused

If you say he’s “confused” and “embarrassed” to find an excuse for him acting either cold or indifferent, you’re wasting your time. You’re just trying to fool yourself. Look the truth in the eye – clearly, this is not the person you are looking for and who needs you. He’s just not the right person and he’s not confused or embarrassed in the slightest. He knows who he wants and it is, alas, not you.

He’s flirting, but that still doesn’t mean anything

Maybe you think that when he starts flirting with you, he’s already planning kids and a house with a lawn? Yes, flirting is a signal that he’s interested, but maybe just for a casual relationship.

He’ll only act suspicious if he’s really got something in mind

If he’s constantly making you feel scared and insecure about where he is and what he wants, it’s probably because he’s cunning and up to something. Maybe he has another woman or is just trying to avoid any commitment. The truth is, it’s naive to expect either good thing from such a man. Sooner or later the ugly truth will be revealed to you and it will be very painful. He is just playing with you.

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He’s not afraid of commitment – he just doesn’t want it

Don’t make excuses or feel sorry for the man when he says he is afraid to commit. In fact, his words mean exactly what they mean. This person doesn’t want to commit to you or possibly anyone else. You may think he is saying one thing or another because he is just not confident and scared. He’s not – he’s just a coward. Whether he’s afraid or not doesn’t matter. The point is that this person has decided not to commit to you. None and never. It’s all plain and simple and he’s not hiding it.

He doesn’t need time to think

Sometimes you might think that you just need to be patient and wait. He will surely realize in time that he loves you and will “wake up”. Do you really believe in fairy tales? How old are you! Why should you be in limbo for a guy if he just doesn’t want to be with you? Don’t listen to those who say he “just needs some time” to think things over. That’s ridiculous. A man either needs someone or he doesn’t.

He’s not “too shy” to express his feelings

Think of something or someone you really love. You wouldn’t hesitate to express your feelings, would you? A man who doesn’t tell you that he likes you and wants you to be with him for a long time makes it clear that he’s not actually in love.

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