How to start a new life


I don’t know about you, but I am always super excited to start a New Year. January 1st often seems like the perfect opportunity to start fresh in life.

A New Year always brings hope for a better future and exciting opportunities.

But what if you didn’t have to wait until next January to make a fresh start? What if you could do it Today?

Truth be told, you can start a new life at any moment.

There is no need to wait until next year, next month, or next Monday to decide to start a new life.

Starting a new life doesn’t have to be hard, and you can do it now.

This post will help you start your life transformation journey giving you all the tips you need to make a fresh start.

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Take time to reflect on who you really are

To transform your life for the better, you need to understand who you are, what you desire, and what brings you joy in life.

You will not be able to design a life you love before knowing where you want to be headed in life.

You can’t simply live day by day without a plan or setting goals.

Before making any change to your life, you need to define what drives you. Having at least a vague idea of your purpose in life will help you keep going when life gets hard.

Because you will have bad days.

And knowing why you have to keep going will help you make it easier to navigate through these tough times.

The good news is that you don’t need to know your purpose in life to actually start a new life.

Finding your purpose will take time. You will need to experiment with new things until you have your aha moment.

Reflecting on who you are and knowing what you would like to accomplish in life is a great start to designing a new life!

Set life goals

Setting life goals will help you give a new direction to your life.

To do so, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Where would you like to be in 20 or 30 years?
  • Would you like to launch your own business?
  • Would you like to retire early and travel the world full-time?
  • Or would you like to live with your partner and kids in a quiet neighborhood?

Reflecting on the direction you want to give your life will help you focus on the things to support that vision.

Create a 3 or 5-year life plan

Once you have set your life goals, you can start writing your life plan.

Creating a 3 or 5-year life plan is a great way to get a better idea of the steps you need to take to actually achieve your long-term goals.

So many people spend more time planning their next vacation than reflecting on the direction they want to give their life.

And the same people then wonder why they seem to get less from life than others. They assume they were less lucky, had fewer opportunities, or were too busy to actually have time to chase their dreams.

They blame the universe and do not realize they have everything it takes to create a great life for themselves.

If you want to start living a fulfilling life, you need to take a moment to think through your own plan.

Read your life goals again and define how much you can accomplish in a few years. To do so, set long-term goals you will be able to achieve in the next 3-5 years.

If you need help creating your first life plan, the related read below will help you.

Set yearly goals

After writing your 3 or 5-year life plan, you will have a clearer vision of what your new life should look like.

Setting yearly goals will help you draw a clearer path to your success.

It is now time to break down your 3-5 year goals into yearly goals. These new goals will define where you will be in life 12 months from now.

Do not underestimate this step of your life transformation journey.

To achieve your goals, you first need to ensure you set them the right way. You need to be precise enough to know exactly what you will try to achieve, by when, and most importantly, how you plan to get there.

It can be difficult to define precise goals when their deadlines are too distant. So don’t worry if you were not able to define super precise life goals.

But when it comes to yearly goals, you need to be as precise as possible.

To achieve your goals, you need to make them SMART.

As you probably already know, SMART stands for :

  • Specific: Set specific goals and narrow them down to simplify planning.
  • Measurable: Set measurable goals to be able to track your progress.
  • Attainable: Define attainable goals and make sure you can reach them in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Realistic: Set realistic goals that support a broader vision of your ideal life.
  • Time-bound: Define time-bound goals with a clear deadline to stay motivated and make yourself accountable.

Planning is key to long-term success. You need to have a vision and plan around it to make it happen. Defining SMART goals will help you improve your planning.

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Break them down into quarterly/monthly/weekly milestones

To add even more clarity to your plan, you should break down your yearly goals into bite-size chunks.

Setting quarterly, monthly, and weekly milestones to reach will help you stay focused on the finish line and what you are trying to achieve.

It will also make it much easier for you to reassess your plans if you fail to achieve a milestone.

Acknowledging that you are not making enough progress and tweaking your plans and routines accordingly is important to be able to be back on track and avoid getting back to square one.

Implement new positive habits

Implementing new habits will be a key part of your life transformation journey.

Your habits need to support your goals so you can achieve them fast. Defining habits is just as important as setting goals.

The main difficulty people encounter when it comes to habits is actually making them stick.

It can be really hard to stick to your plans when life gets in the way. Your habits should somehow make you step out of your comfort zone to make you grow.

The issue is that when life gets busy, we naturally try to balance things to get back to what’s comfortable.

And this is the main reason people do not stick to their habits.

It is normal to look for comfort when life gets hard. However, no matter what you want to change in your life, you will have to implement new habits.

And if you are not able to make them stick, nothing will ever change.

Related read: How to make any habit stick

Break your bad habits

Identifying your bad habits and breaking them is another important part of the process.

Sticking to bad habits is another form of self-sabotage you need to quit in order to achieve goals and start a new life.

Sometimes your worst habits are not the most obvious ones. The small habits you follow daily compound over time and can considerably slow you down when trying to improve your life.

It can be, for instance, binge-watching Netflix as soon as you get home from work or checking your phone every 5 minutes.

Your bad habits are keeping you away from the things you have always wanted. They are responsible for your old life. And going back to that life is not an option.

Breaking your bad habits will help you be in control of your time and focus on starting a new life.

Create routines you love

Implementing routines is a powerful way to work towards your goals daily.

If you want to be more productive, following a productive morning routine will help you set the tone for the rest of your day.

Routines are also the perfect opportunity to check in with yourself and practice self-care.

Adding self-care to your night routine is a very effective way to unwind after work and set you up for a good night’s sleep.

Taking care of yourself is important to your mental health. If you want to start a new life and actually design a life you will love, you need to incorporate self-care into your routines.

Find your Flow

In psychology, the flow, also known as being in the zone, is a mental state in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of focus, full involvement, and enjoyment.

If you are in the flow, you are so focused on whatever you are doing that you lose track of time.

Experiencing this state is a great indicator of finding your purpose in life.

Being in the flow usually comes with a great feeling of achievement because activities that put us in this state are activities we enjoy despite being challenging.

The zone is the perfect balance between something that inspires you and challenges you without being overwhelming.

You should aim to be in the flow as often as possible because this state will inspire you to accomplish great things.

Stop doing things you don’t like

Another important aspect of improving your life is learning to say “No”.

Being able to say “No” to things that do not interest you or support your goals will be life-changing.

This simple habit will help you be more in control of your life and help you make better use of your time.

Life is short and time is your most precious asset.

  • If you don’t have to do something and don’t feel like it, simply don’t do it.
  • If you don’t want to hang out with toxic “friends”, don’t do it.
  • If you don’t want to keep doing a job you hate, step out of your comfort zone, get a new job, and start a new career.

Being in control of your time is the first step to getting your life back.

Get Uncomfortable

To change your life, you need to step out of your comfort zone.

Staying in your comfort zone is the main cause of you being stuck in this life. And never taking risks is the main reason you are reading this post right now.

If you want to progress and release your full potential, you need to take more risks and accept challenges. Because no matter the goals you set, being challenged is the only way to grow.

When it comes to challenges, we often overestimate the risks and underestimate our abilities to achieve them.

What is your worst-case scenario? What will happen if you take risks and fail?

Many people tend to exacerbate the consequences of their failures. This is what makes the fear of failure so hard to overcome and risks so hard to take.

Truth is, in most cases, the worst thing that can happen if you fail is that nothing will change.

You already know how to deal with a life that doesn’t satisfy you. The proof is in the pudding; you are here reading this.

If you fail, you will know how to deal with it too.

You will find ways to heal as you always do. So step out of your comfort zone and create the life you deserve!

Let go of the past

Letting go of the past is key when you want to move forward.

You can’t make a fresh start while overthinking your past and failures every night before falling asleep.

Letting go of the past will allow you to grow from negative experiences and love yourself even more.

This will lead to making better life-choices and creating a more fulfilling life for yourself.

To let go of the past, you need to find a healthy way to vent about it. It can be writing in a journal, painting, drawing, or talking to a friend.

Express your feelings, fears, anger, and frustrations. Putting them on paper or sharing them with a friend will help you move on.

And even though you deserve an apology, don’t wait for it to move on because it might never come.

Doing so would put your happiness into the hands of someone else, and this is clearly not the way to go.

You deserve better, you know it; this is the reason you are now so determined to change your life.

Identify your self-sabotage cycles

Self-sabotage is the act of getting in your own way with poor thinking and bad decision-making.

When you self-sabotage, you make decisions that create obstacles to achieving your goals.

Self-sabotage can be conscious or unconscious behavior. It can take many forms, but in all cases, it results from an internal conflict between a conscious and an unconscious desire.

These behaviors are always motivated by one desire: protecting ourselves.

Yes, we engage in self-sabotaging behaviors because we want to protect ourselves, yet we end up doing the exact opposite: hurting ourselves.

Identifying your self-sabotage cycles is key to breaking them and unleashing your potential.

Give your home a fresh start

Moving to a new city is not necessary to make a fresh start.

However, you need to be conscious of the impact your environment has on your feelings and actions.

There are so many ways our environment impacts our behaviors. This is why decluttering your space and making changes to it will help you change your life.

Physical clutter creates mental chaos.

And decluttering your space will give you a feeling of relief as well as a confidence boost.

If you want to get clarity on the next steps to take to make life changes, you need to make your environment work for you and not against you.

Making changes to your environment will also help you make new habits stick and break bad ones.

Work on your finances

Working on your finances is another important step to transforming your life.

Having your finances under control will offer you financial security and access to new opportunities.

Having enough money in the bank will allow you to take a 6-month sabbatical to travel the world.

It will also give you the choice to stay home when you don’t feel like going to work or work part-time to spend more time with your kids.

There is more to life than money, but money is what will help you get your life back and give you the power to choose what to do with your time.

To turn your finances around, you need to create a budgetsave money and pay off debt.

Improving your finances will allow you to take money out of the equation when it comes to taking decisions like launching your own business or taking a new job.

Having enough money will allow you to pursue happiness and this will help you design a life you will love.

Make healthier choices

Living a healthier life will help you work on your goals and move mountains.

You need to take care of your health in order to be able to keep up with your long-term goals. And taking care of your health means physical and mental health.

The simple fact of adding physical activities to your routines can be life-changing if you are not used to working out.

Exercising regularly will help you be healthier, stronger and give you a huge confidence boost.

Being healthier, in general, will motivate you to take more risks and try out new things which is a great way to find your purpose in life.

Put yourself first

Putting yourself first implies that you need to learn to say “no” to everything that does not help you grow or support your goals.

This means that you will also need to cut toxic people out of your life. To live a happy life, you need to be surrounded by people that help you grow, not people who hold you back.

Finding support can be hard, especially if you do not know anyone trying to achieve the same goals.

But this is where social media comes in.

Social media apps, when used wisely, can be a great source of inspiration and motivation.

If you don’t feel supported in your life transformation journey, seek support in communities where what you are trying to achieve is the norm.

Final thoughts

Making a fresh start in life can be hard when you don’t know where to start.

But turning your life around is such an exciting process.

It implies thinking about your dreams, finding what makes you happy, and reconsidering your day-to-day life.

Transforming your life is more than starting a new chapter. It is about letting go of who you used to be and loving that person but understanding that you can do better.

This process will take time but will the right tips and a sound strategy, your life could be very different 90 days from now!

If you want more tips on how to start a new life, my 203-page eBook will help you Make It Happen!

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