12 things a man will never admit to you despite thinking them

Men have their secrets that they are afraid and ashamed to share with women. Psychologists reveal 12 of them to us. Here’s what he thinks secretly but never says out loud.

What I love about you is that you’re confident
Want a better attitude from the guy next to you? Here’s the secret – a man treats a woman the way she treats herself. No talk of the perfect 90×60×90 proportions works here. If you’re going to be a true goddess, if you don’t have self-confidence and self-respect, don’t expect men to fawn over you. They are attracted to female self-confidence.

I don’t care what you look like, even very
To the male population, it doesn’t matter how other women dress. But everyone wants to have a s**y lover by their side. This happens when the appearance emphasizes femininity, but in an elegant and refined way, devoid of any vulgarity. First of all, a man loves with his eyes and ladies should use this.

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I don’t know how to do it
It’s not to be believed, is it? To be a “real man” in the eyes of his beloved is everyone’s dream. That’s why most often the gentleman tries to solve every problem, even if he is aware that it is not in his power and is doomed to failure. Representatives of the strong half of humanity are sincerely afraid not to “fall” in the eyes of their beloved, so they will do everything possible, even if in practice they have no idea what it is.

I fall into a stupor when you ask me difficult questions
Scandals, gossip, intrigue are purely feminine things and a real man is powerless in this. But when it comes to tough questions, he’s just completely helpless. For example, the question, “Does this dress make me fat?”

Poor thing! Don’t harass him so much that he goes into a panic!

Whereas the woman just wants to shoot him down, looking at his stupid expression and confusion in the face of such an obviously easy question. Of course the answer is “No!”. Why is she dragging her feet so much with him! Could it be that I really look fat!

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I can’t afford it
Everyone knows that men like to compare themselves to the size of their wallet and other merits. They don’t like to admit their defeats. That’s why your beloved doesn’t have the guts to tell you that some trinket you like is too expensive for him.

I am jealous of you
God! I’m not just jealous of you, I’m downright mad at the thought of another taking you away from me!

Think it, be sure of it! But he’s not likely to tell you. The strong physical contact is strong enough to suppress their emotions, to keep them under control. When a woman who belongs to him starts openly flirting with another, he won’t betray himself, but inside he’ll seethe and boil. Don’t do it, you are causing him pain!

I like your sister/girlfriend
It’s very simple: if you consider your sister or best friend the epitome of femininity, it’s silly to think that the man next to you won’t be swayed by that. He already likes her, but of course he won’t say it out loud. Even though his love for you is immense, he is still not blind and appreciates other women.

Don’t be in such a hurry
Dear ladies, if a man has asked you out on a date, it still doesn’t mean wedding bells. Romantic atmosphere, unobtrusive communication, flirting, smiles – these are signs that you have aroused interest in the man, but nothing more. It doesn’t mean he’s ready to propose marriage to you, just checking out the situation.

And I love compliments, just like you
No matter how dismissive he is of them, men, just like us women, adore signs of consideration. They also love to hear compliments about themselves. And they want to know that they didn’t swirl under the car for half an hour to fix it for nothing. Give the guy the credit he deserves – tell him how skilled, amazing, creative, awesome and more-is-more! Especially if you really mean it.

I like “feminine things”
Callused hands with dirt under the fingernails would shock anyone these days. Hence, men should also take care of themselves, especially since women appreciate it. Of course, they will carefully hide their vanity because somehow it doesn’t sound “manly”.

I’m afraid
Who’s going to say what, but a man should never show his fears. From early childhood, the stronger physical contact is forbidden to talk about being afraid of the dark, clowns, spiders… Weaknesses must be hidden.

I hide my feelings
And how! To put on a mask of indifference and never take it off is difficult, but in the world of men it is impossible to do otherwise. It’s just that representatives of the stronger physical contact are ashamed to show their weaknesses.

This is just a small list of what a man will never tell you about. But it is enough for you to understand that he is not a soulless creature. And also has feelings, doubts, fears, his own inner world and … desperately needs love!

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