10-Minute Rituals To Start Your Day Stress-Free

‘’Rise up, start fresh see the bright opportunity in each day’’

As the sky spreads open, new curtains of achievement, possibilities, and goals are tilted opened, we are presented with a new day to set the tone for our development.

Creating an efficient and ideal morning routine sets you on the right path more like creating your own sunshine on the naked clouds, it is an instrument in setting the tone of your day.

It is necessary that we put a productive check on the activities we involve ourselves into before commencing for the day.

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Before I developed an ideal routine I spent hours tossing in bed, clicking through my social media feeds, checking for comments and likes on my Instagram or social media handles and this injected a sense of dissatisfaction into my subconsciousness; thoughts of disappointment in not getting an expected amount of likes, comments or engagements on a post.

It weighed me down and distorted my energy level because that was the first thing I exposed and fed my mind with for the day but as I employed certain morning rituals to discipline my body and mind, I was able to create a productive and healthy balance in producing a refreshing morning and a stress-free day.

When I rise in the morning the first I do is to sink in mindfulness, think of the privilege I have to be alive, breathe, walk, enjoy and have a refreshing night rest.

I pray and progress into my rituals, thank God for another day and don’t waste it; I have been given another opportunity to pursue my goals and meet up with my plans. I walk to the mirror and give myself a big smile as a motivation to succeed.

Your morning sets up the success of your day- so many people wake up and immediately check text messages, emails, and social media when they ought to use the first hour awake for an ideal morning routine, meditation and productive rituals to prepare their day.

Morning is an important time of the day because how you spend your morning can often tell what kind of day you are going to have, it is a cheerful invitation to make life productive.

It is often advisable that you should wake up early by 5 a.m before the sunrise so you can adequately function and carry out certain routines that will supercharge your day.

Morning rituals are activities that are repeated to positively influence your life because how you start your day equates the amount of success you will achieve.

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Below are simple morning rituals that will help you start your day on a blissful note as guides to creating a refreshing morning and will take not more than 10 minutes of your time.

1.  Consulting Your To-Do List

Before I go to bed one important thing I always do is to make a list of my activities and set my daily intentions. I prioritize the most important activity that will take a lot of time and activities that are close to a deadline so the next day I have a guide for my daily intentions.

This list contains my routines as well such as journaling, working out, having breakfast, etc. I go as far as jotting down the amount of time it will take to perform even the minimal activity because time is important.

Creating and writing a to-do list keeps you organized and grounded, you know what you have to do and the task to manage.

This allows you to stay focused as you attend to each and every activity, it reduces the hassle of multi-tasking because you are in no haste, you know all your activities for the day will be achieved and acquired.

This may be a flimsy activity; the simple act of writing down and prioritizing your important activities, but this is a major link to having a stress free and productive day.

What many people fail to understand is that writing the list is the first action, it is extremely important and it supersedes every other ritual.

By transferring your cluttered activities on paper, you give your brain rest from the stress of jingling around your activities and you are coordinated on the next move to make.

As simple as it may sound, having a to-do list is important; it helps keep track of activities that need to be attended to and improves organization, memory, and motivation, so try and outline your to-do list as a guide for the day.

2.  Visualize Your Day

You can’t do anything that you can’t picture yourself doing.

Visualization can be seen as “daydreaming with a purpose”. When you visualize how you want your mornings to unfold and unravel into, it becomes easier to take action.

Visualization is the act of willfully forming mental images to affect material reality. The power of visualization cannot be overemphasized because you can visualize what you want to do before you do it and you will get it, more like an attractive magnet of what we see.

It is important to know that everything begins in the mental plane first before it manifests in the physical plane we think about something first and then we start to create it on the physical. When visualizing, you form images for your subconscious mind to use as a pattern to work.

Visualization is the conscious exercising of the power of thoughts, to create mental images that help create and design the future. You are more productive by doing fifteen minutes of visualization.

Before I set out for the day, I visualize myself getting into the bus, having a blissful ride, having a positive day, interacting with people, making impactful connections and attending to all my activities for the day and I must say, this truly works!

You can visualize how you want your day to go and watch it unfold, you will be surprised by how effective this small practice can be.

3.  Meditation

Meditation is channeling into the spiritual; I allow my thoughts and mind to wander around peace and quietness, I reflect on my activities for the day and I anchor my thoughts on positivity. This is a beneficial and incredible daily practice that can edify your mind. Meditation stimulates the brain, it enhances your level of mindfulness and concentration.

Survival can be a daunting and exhausting process; jingling around several activities to meet up with deadlines and so effective and regular meditation can help calm the mind and take charge of our thoughts allowing us to focus on the present.

I meditate every morning before I set out for the day and every evening before I go to bed and this act has nourished my inner center aligning me with peace, it removes the weight of stress and leaves my body light.

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4.  Journaling

Journaling saved my life! This may sound cliché but the simple act of progressing my thoughts on paper prevented me from chocking on doubts, misconducts, anxiety, and confusion. Sometimes our thoughts can be limiting and the ability to adequately communicate how we feel is difficult.

Journaling serves as a bridge to easiness, it is like whispering to yourself and listening at the same time. Keeping a journal of what is going on in your life is a good way to help you distill what’s important and what’s not.

A personal journal is an ideal environment in which to become, it is a perfect place for you to think, feel, discover, expand, remember and dream. I can shake off everything as I write, converting doubt in an act of strength.

So every morning before I carry on with the tides of survival I make sure that I write in my journal.

Journal writing is a ritual for transformation, it is not only life-changing but life expanding. It reminds you of your goals and learning in life, it offers a place where you can hold a deliberate thoughtful conversation with yourself and I totally recommend trying this.

I have done this religiously for 3 years and the results on my mind, peace, and control have been enormously positive.

Every morning, I write in my journal, I write about every activity, unraveling in my life, my thoughts, my intentions, goals, and achievement for the day.

It is a purposeful way of thinking, it enables me to slow down and empty my mind especially when things get difficult and challenging. Once I stain my thoughts on blank sheets there is a solemn remembrance that I am in charge and in adequate control; filling paper with the breathings of my heart as I’ll like to call it “to give breath to words”.

Try to cultivate the habit of journaling, journal what you love, what you hate, what’s in your head, what’s important. Journaling organizes your thoughts, allow you to see things in a concrete way you might not see.

5.  Gratitude

This is no new phrase but it is so sad that so many of us reduce the importance, need and power of gratitude. When you wake up in the morning, learn to give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength, give thanks for your food and joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, there is a problem you need to fix urgently.

Gratitude is the conscious experience of appreciation. By outing and writing at least 3 things you are thankful for, you are setting your day on a positive route.

Gratitude gives us reasons to be happy, makes us more optimistic; it increases self-esteem.

Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you and gives thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.

You can have a simple gratitude list like –

I am thankful and grateful for

‘’I have a place to sleep’’

‘’I ate today’’

‘’I drink clean water’’

‘’I have impactful relationships that surround me’’

‘’I am in good health’’

‘’I am at peace’’

‘’I am surrounded with positivity’’

‘’I am thankful for the sense of hearing’’

‘’I am thankful for the sense of sight’’

‘’ I am thankful for the sense of smell’’

‘’I am thankful for the sense of taste’’

‘I am thankful for the sanity of my mind’’

‘’For the space to connect with like-minded people’’

‘’My Parents’’

‘’Love that surrounds me’’

‘’I have a luxurious life’’

‘’Challenges forging me into a better person’’

‘’Thankful for the turmoil that has forged me into a warrior’’

‘’Manifestation of my purpose’’

6.  Drink Water And Stay Hydrated

There are so many benefits attached to drinking water in the morning and staying hydrated.

Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning is highly beneficial, it purifies the body and improves the stomach chances of absorbing nutrients easily. This enables you to have your breakfast without constipation or stress.

According to scientists, hydration has a major effect on energy level and brain function as the brain is greatly influenced by hydration status and Studies show that even mild dehydration (1-3% of body weight) can impair many aspects of brain function so we should learn to drink more water and keep our body hydrated.

7.  Stretch Your Body

This brings about flexibility in our joints and maintains the motions in our body. You should include stretching into your routine because it can increase the range of motion in your joints.

Stretching can increase the performance of our body and drastically reduces the risk of injuries. You should hold stretches for around 30 seconds, keep it gentle and slow.

Not many people consider stretching to be a form of exercise, probably it’s something we sometimes do without applying effort unlike aerobics but this gentle form of exercise can keep you staying in health, fit and good for your body and mind.

Stretching increases the flexibility of the body. Regular stretching keeps your back straight.

Backaches can be triggered by lifting heavy objects or certain twisting movement and lack of exercise can make the cartilage tissue stiff and inflexible and when that happens sudden twisting and straining can cause tears in the cartilage.

Also sitting for long hours without stretching makes the spine stiff and cause backache and this is nothing strange to those who sit behind a laptop screen for hours but stretching and rotation movements helps strengthen the core muscles surrounding the spine and keep the disc flexible to prevent such aches or pain.

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8.  Have Breakfast

This is very important; breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There are a number of studies that shows the benefits of having that early morning meal.

Breakfast provides your body and brain with the fuel it needs to start the day.

Studies tell that eating breakfast can help prevent exposure to chronic diseases and prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cholesterol.

This is just the first phase; the second phase is what we eat because when we eat is equivalently important to what we eat.

We should avoid eating unhealthy food like sugary cereals, rather go for cereals that have fibers, make sure that your breakfast includes proteins like eggs, milk or yogurt and be sure to add healthy fat found in avocadoes and omelets.

Having a nutritious meal in the morning can help keep you energized throughout the day.

Breakfast sets you up for success for the rest of the day, so before you start your day, take time to feed your body and make a difference to your day and overall health.

9.  Clean Up

Cultivating the habit of decluttering and arranging your room greatly contributes to discipline and can positively affect other aspects of your life.

We may not have enough time to clean up every morning; when I am occupied and very busy, I clean up the previous day and in the morning I simply make my bed. This simple conscious act of organization increases your productive and assertive level.

You should make your bed every morning and evening, hang your clothes in your wardrobe, put dirty clothes away, declutter regular and find a place for everything because good order is the foundation of all things.

10.  Be Consistent

Consistency is the hallmark of the unimaginative. Routines or rituals cannot be effective if they are not practiced consistently.

You must not adopt all these rituals at once, you can start by simply developing an attitude of gratitude, keeping a journal or making sure to have breakfast in the morning but employ it as a habitual activity and the more you progress, the easier it becomes to adopt and stick to other routines. I didn’t cultivate all these rituals in one day so be patient and consistent.

We all have to start somewhere, and doing something is better than nothing at all. Start small so you don’t get discouraged and give up. Remember it is all about consistency.

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